


Join the community to ask questions about BattleMetrics and get answers from other members.


Server removal request

I would like to get my server removed from the website due to security reasons, showing up my server ip and rocket addons (stuff that is not public to the users on my server when check it on unturned) and not updating my server ip to steam's ip.


Why does he write like that?
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Arma reforger rcon

Hello, is the RCON "manager" functional on Arma Reforger? I can connect to my server, but I can't interact with it, such as importing a ban list or even seeing the number of connected players. My ports are correctly configured, and I am hosting with OVH.

Trigger Log or smth similar

We use some triggers on our server to mark certain groups of players. We have now discovered that players who should not actually be tracked by the triggers are also tracked. We use various information about a user, such as the age of the account and whether the profile has been set up, which are queried by Steam. Is there any way to find out why exactly the trigger was marked as successful (All conditions are Or linked) The audit log only tells me that the player was tagged but not exactly why...

PAID for RCON question

I am a solo player who is just creating a bot for myself and i was looking to get the API for me to lookup players battlemetrics auto via the bot. but it apears that the personal token you get does not function in that way. Do i have to pay money to get this access? #RCON...

RS2 missing session bans management

It seems that BM lacks any ability to mange session bans. The RS2 web interface has a page dedicated for that but there is no way to manage that list inside of battlemetrics. I assume it should appear under server commands but there is no session bans option and any other options to do with bans only retrieve the built in ban list. ...

Needing a little support

We were unable to connect to your server. Please double check your server's settings and the information you provided. We received no response from your server when attempting to connect. Some common causes include: An incorrect RCON Port....

Developer Support

Hello, I'm creating a discord bot to show some information in me and a friends discord server! I have now problem accessing server status, player count, and other general information, but im having trouble with any kill feed information. Do i have access to kill feed data? Do i need to have a specific subscription? And if so, how do i word my script to retrieve the data?
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Hello, I added my server to your database, but it is not displayed in the list, please tell me why?

Hello, I added my server to your database, but it is not displayed in the list, please tell me why? Here is another list of our servers that we would like to add to you as well....

I Cann't find our Server in Battlemetrics

hey guys, i cann't find my Server on battle metrics the Server Name are the same in the lsit SV1 - 4 are listed but the others not and i can't to this in my oragnisaion can pls help me. My Org Name is [GER/AUT] Heimatfront 24/7 | PvP | PS5 - Xbox - PC |
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Unable to connect Arma Reforger server after changing IP and dedicated server

Hi, it's been a couple days since we migrated our servers from the IP to the IP The server list (on Battlemetrics) doesn't seem to detect the IP change of the server even after waiting ~2 days. ...

Arma Reforger Playerlist/ban list

Seeing that on Arma Reforger if you have rcon linked to it via battlemetrics I had a few questions. Why does the ban system just kick them rather then sending a ban command via rcon to hard ban them via base game system then running the unban command when their ban is up or removed? Is there a way to pull the playerlist via api for a discord bot for the arma reforger servers that have rcon access?...

ARMA Reforger: BERcon

Would be quite nice to have the OPTION to configure BERcon for reforger. This way we can track bans and alts a little easier. It's taking too much time away from my game time making the tools to do it 😆 Seriously though, all good if it cannot be done. But I thought I may ask/raised the question as I know Alot of people would benefit from it....


hi, may i import ban list from rcon to battlemetrics site, or how to? #armareforger...

squad 44 maps need to be added

please update your squad 44 game maps in battlemetrics, your list is out dated, there have been updates that have added new maps and modes, here is the list you need to replace your old battlemetrics squad 44 map list with: