Mara's Developper Corner


Mara's Developper Corner

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My comments are appearing on the exported website. Things that hidden in markdown with %%comment%%. Is there a way to hide them? also, ==highlights== don't work. and callouts. Am i doing something wrong?...
Enveloppe is not a template, but a way to send file into Github. Your template needs to support specific Obsidian Markdown

Converted Files cause LaTeX to behave oddly.

Using the command Upload all shared notes, to load everything into github with the following configuration (attached), LaTeX tends to act oddly. First, Github seems it will parse equations surrounded by $$ fine, but will be aligned to the left instead of front and center like it should. Second, Github seems to NOT parse equations surrounded by $$ when using \begin{align} and \end{align} within it to align a multi-line equation....

Can't upload to github

Connection is valid but when i try to upload it says theres nothing to upload ?
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Images are pushed every time

```json { "github": { "branch": "master", "automaticallyMergePR": false,...
It will always "push" the first note (when using with "send active note") but not always the other
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Plugin publishes unshared notes

I have a note which links to another note which doesn't have a share: true property. For some reason, however, the plugin keeps pushing the linked notes (at the root of the repo). Here's my config ```json { "github": {...
should be fixed in the last version

How to get help?

Please, follow the proposed template below: Mandatory fields are marked by ⭐ Issue validation ⭐ - [ ] I checked the issues to prevent duplicate...

Is it possible to somehow publish assets without a note?

I want to make an image gallery with all the images stored in Obsidian in different folders, e.g. Nature/ Urban/ Interior/ etc. I want to simply push all the assets into the respective folder into my GitHub repo without a note referencing them.

Refresh all published notes doesn't seem to work

On the left you can see the updated note in Obsidian and on the right you can see what's in the repo. For some reason it doesn't detect this as a change and I can't upload all the notes that have been changed
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Folder path & filename replacer doesn't apply to Excalidraw svgs

I have the following replacer and it works fine for my regular attachments, but fails for the Excalidraw generated svgs.
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