Notification Documentation Link
HASSAgent.sys Malware Detected - False Positive, I know.
Second question, is there a way that I can get the application to stop creating the .sys file on ever restart? Depending on the answers to the first question, a limited functionality may be okay for my work PC, but I'd like to stop generating the quarantine reports before someone from our TOC starts asking questions....
Cannot get HASS/integration working
Clicking desktop notification custom action?
last_active is constantly changing but there is no mouse movement
Only media player discovered
Is it possible to turn on a tablet screen?
Satellite service not respecting "round", "ignore availability" and "advanced issues"
Can't change audio output until restart of hagent
command run through powershell not working
Can`t send notifications to windows
Setting Up Notifications
App keeps crashing lowkey
Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs upon updating to beta2
does not generate unique IDs
...Use for a HTPC
Removing old duplicated entities.
Possible to switch users?
Can't send notifications
Jatoxo - Integration device name mismatch