DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.












Reverse words without using any library method.

Reverse words in a given sentence without using any library method.
What to Do : Invert the order of words in a given sentence, maintaining the order of characters within each word. ...

Heap Metadata Inspector

Implement a function to inspect and print the metadata of the heap, like block sizes and free/used status. (e.g.: I/P: Allocate 5, Free 2; O/P: Block 1: Used, Block 2: Free) ...

Creating a Segmented Memory Allocator

The Problem statement goes this way, Create multiple fixed-size buffers (arrays) to act as segments. (e.g.: I/P: Allocate 10 bytes in Segment A, Allocate 20 bytes in Segment B; O/P: Addresses ...

README: Code Reviews

The #code-reviews forum is where DevHeads can ask the community for help with problematic programs and code snippets. When posting, explain the issue you're experiencing in detail with as much context as possible. Then, insert your code inside one backtick for a single line of code or three backticks for a code block. Please also use tags to categorize the language and issue you're encountering. Finally, stay involved! The community is happy to help those who participate and give back. Let us know if the fixes worked so we can close out the issue and share the solve with other devs experiencing similar issues. ...

Coding Challenge 1 (C)

Find the errors in this code ```c float readTemperature() {...