DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.












ESP32 BLE Fails to Advertise or Get Detected by Mobile App in Temperature Monitoring Project

Hello guys ahv gotten to a new stage on my project simple temperature monitoring system using MicroPython on a Zephyr RTOS-supported microcontroller, such as the ESP32, and transmit the data over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to a mobile app. Am currently transmit the temperature and humidity data over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) from the ESP32 to a mobile app but BLE fails to advertise or the mobile app does not detect the ESP32. Here's my code ```python...

How to Force HTTP Requests to Timeout on ESP32 When Router Freezes?

Hello! I've had a setup running for several months now, which makes HTTP requests to several devices on home WiFi network (the router is part of a Freebox). Everything works quite well, except for certain moments when I experience "freezes" of several seconds during a request. These freezes often disappear if I restart my Freebox (and thus the router). To avoid these freezes, I’m looking for a way to force the request to exit if it hasn’t succeeded within a second (for example). Here is the current code of one of my HTTP requests (launched every 5 seconds from the loop of my program): ...
Hi @Camila_99$$ in other to avoid freezes during HTTP requests, set both a connection timeout (http.setConnectTimeout(500);) and a response timeout (http.setTimeout(1000);). This will make sure the request stops if it doesn't finish within the given time. For even better performance, you might want to use asynchronous requests with ESPAsyncHTTPClient to keep your main loop running smoothly.

Troubleshooting HDMI Output on BeagleBone Black: No Signal Issue

Hello guys, I'm developing a digital signage project using the BeagleBone Black (BBB) running a custom Embedded Linux image. The project requires displaying dynamic content on an HDMI monitor. However, the HDMI display is not working, and I am unable to get any output on the screen. I did configure the HDMI output by ensuring that the BBB is set to output in the HDMI port
sudo nano /boot/uEnv.txt
sudo nano /boot/uEnv.txt
Hey, @Boss lady try using a power supply with a higher current rating, a weak power supply might not provide enough power for HDMI output too. Ensure that your BBB is receiving sufficient power also.

How to Fix USB Serial "DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE" Issue with MKR Device?

I've problem that USB serial cannot detected on device manager. The message is "USB\DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE". Did everyone here experience the same problem when connecting MKR device for the first time. Please assist. Thank you.
This is not much of an issue, what you will need to do is click on the unknown device, the update the driver manually from your system, but if it didnt work then you will go online and download it. For example I think i have had this issue with esp32 CP2012 driver, so i went to the manufacturers website and download the driver and installed manually and it worked

How to resolve network error 61 when sending an email with SIM800C module using AT commands

Hello, I want to send an email using AT commands from a SIM800C module with the Free operator. When executing the AT+SMTPSEND command, I get error number 61: (Network error). The commands for creating the email and configuring the server are all validated. This module is also used to send SMS and I have no difficulties with that part. Should I change a setting, and if so, which one, or is this an incompatibility related to the operator? Thank you...

Issues with unstable or non-functional CAN bus communication on BeagleBone Black

Hello guys I am developing an industrial automation project using the BeagleBone Black (BBB) running Embedded Linux. The project involves communicating with multiple devices over the CAN bus. However, I encountered issues where the CAN bus communication is unstable or non-functional. I configured the CAN interface on the BeagleBone Black using the command ```bash sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sudo ifconfig can0 up...

How to ensure reliable wireless data transmission with RF module and SPI on AVR128DA48?

Hey guys, In my pressure monitoring project using the AVR128DA48 microcontroller, I’m trying to transmit the pressure readings wirelessly using an RF module via SPI. However, the transmission appears to be unreliable, with frequent data loss. so far I have checked the RF module configuration and ensured proper SPI communication, and also ensured the RF module is within the effective transmission range, yet data transmission remains unreliable, with some pressure readings not being transmitted successfully. What could be causing this unreliability, and how can I ensure consistent and reliable wireless data transmission? this is my written snippet: ``` #include <zephyr.h> #include <device.h>...
Well, @Dtynin to address the problem, it's necessary to incorporate error checking and retries in order to guarantee reliable transmission. The likely cause of concern pertains to failure in verifying successful data communication by the RF module.

How can I resolve persistent Wi-Fi connectivity issues with BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux?

Hello guys, am developing an IoT project using the BeagleBone Black (BBB) running a custom Embedded Linux image. The project requires a stable Wi-Fi connection for real-time data transmission to a remote server. However, I am encountering persistent issues with the Wi-Fi connectivity. i am using connmanctl to configure and connect to a Wi-Fi network: ```bash...

Does anyone know what happened to face detection in esp32 cam?

Hello everyone. Does anyone know what happened to face detection in esp32 cam? I don't see the option in my browser as others have online. I read somewhere its been disabled? "Note: Releases 2.x.x of the ESP32 Hardware Libraries don't support face recognition on the ESP32 modules. The algorithm has been 'improved' and now runs too slowly on these processors." Source: The photo after uploading the code...
Hello @wafa_ath The face detection feature on your ESP32-CAM might be missing because the newer versions of the ESP32 hardware libraries I think from 2.1 and above have dropped support for face recognition on these modules. The face recognition algorithm was updated, but it now runs too slowly on the ESP32 processors, leading to its removal from these releases. You might need to downgrade to an older version of the ESP32 libraries or use alternative methods for face detection.
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Switching Between Two ESP-CAM Boards on a Single TFT Display via SPI

Hey guys i’m working on a project where I need to connect two ESP-CAM dev boards to a single TFT display via the SPI bus. My goal is to display the video feed from either camera on the TFT display, selectable via a button press. I'm aware that this can be achieved using ESP-NOW with three ESP32 boards (two cameras and one for the display), but I'm looking to maintain the high frame rate achievable through direct SPI bus connection. Is it possible to share the SPI bus between the two ESP-CAM boar...
Yes @Daniel kalu , it's possible to share the SPI bus between the two ESP-CAM boards, but you'll need to manage the SPI bus and the CS lines carefully. One approach is to use a multiplexer or an analog switch to select which camera is connected to the TFT display at a time. This allows you to keep both cameras connected but only one active on the bus, Another method is to manually control the CS line, ensuring only one ESP-CAM is communicating with the TFT at any given time....

Do I need to enable long-range mode for both sender and receiver in ESP-NOW?

when using ESP-NOW If I want to enable long-range transmission I have to enable it for the receiver as well?

How can I resolve "ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF: Interface error" when using ESP-NOW with SoftAP on ESP32?

Hey guys I'm facing an issue with my ESP32 project, where the central controller acts as a soft Wi-Fi access point with a web server and communicates with three peripheral devices via ESP-NOW. Despite ensuring that the Wi-Fi and ESP-NOW channels are identical, I keep seeing the error "ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF: Interface error" when calling esp_now_send(). This project extends my previous ESP32 home automation hub with predictive maintenance, where I used ESP32 boards for sensor data collection and OTA updates. Now, I'm trying to integrate ESP-NOW communication with the web server and SoftAP capabilities. I've tried switching to SoftAP mode, but the issue persists. How can I resolve this and ensure reliable communication between the devices?...
The error typically occurs immediately after calling esp_now_send(), and it seems to be fairly consistent happening almost every time I attempt to send data. I haven't noticed any significant delay before the error appears. And so far, I haven't seen any other error codes or warnings,and I haven't checked the ESP-NOW buffer status with esp_now_buffer_count(), but that sounds like a good next step. I'll give that a try.

Any examples of power management with ESP-NOW beyond modem sleep?

has anyone an example with power management when using ESP-NOW apart from modem sleep?

issue with connecting classic bluetooth to android

hey there guys i dont know which is better for home automation system in esp32 . Can anyone tell me which is better for home automation system classic bluetooth or BLE ??? if anyone can help me please i want help from you kindly message me please...
If your device is battery powered - then BLE definitely. The 'LE' is Low Energy and so your battery will last longer

seeking help for connectivity issues in esp32 bluetooth with android

I found this code for connecting the bluetooth #include "BluetoothSerial.h" BluetoothSerial SerialBT; bool isConnected = false;...

Seeking help for home automation project on esp32

hey there guys, I am working on home automation with esp32 module with wifi and bluetooth. I have developed the model that will get the data from firebase in esp32 and control the home appliances such as lights and fans but I am new in this can anyone help me with this project i have this this problems as of now : 1. Once bluetooth and wifi is disconnected due to out of the range it will not connect when i am in the range automatically 2. how to give esp32 wifi userid and password through mobile of our home wifi. 3. I dont know how to implement this module for AC(Air conditioner). ...
Hi @lucifer2615. following are some inputs - I suggest considering the ESP WiFi Manager library which gives access to the web interface from the browser to set the wifi name and password. Apart from this, there are other Apps like ESP SoftAP Provisioning, etc. - Controlling AC to turn ON/OFF can be done with a relay but to control core functionalities you can use IR transmitter connected to ESP32. So, your ESP can send control commands just like the ac remote instead of an actual physical remote. ...

Troubleshooting SPI Transmission Errors for Image Data on ESP32

still on Object Detection with MicroPython and OV2640 Camera Module Using ESP-WROOM-32, how can i transmit the image over SPI i keep getting a persitent error ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "", line 42, in write...
Emm...try to lower the baudrate and sending the image data in smaller chunks maybe that would work

Ensuring Reliable Sensor Readings on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS in Varying Conditions

How can I ensure that my AVR32UC MC prototype running on zephyr OS operates reliably under different atmospheric conditions, particularly addressing the issue of inconsistent sensor readings? Despite thorough testing under controlled environments, the sensor readings become unreliable when exposed to varied conditions. What steps can I take to improve the accuracy and consistency of these readings, ensuring the prototype functions effectively in life applications?
Regularly calibrate your sensors across the expected range of environmental conditions. This can compensate for sensor drift or inaccuracies caused by temperature or humidity changes. Protect the sensors from direct exposure to extreme conditions by using appropriate enclosures or coatings. This minimizes the impact of sudden temperature or humidity fluctuations. Conduct extensive testing in diverse real-world environments to identify specific conditions that affect sensor reliability, allowing you to fine-tune your compensation algorithms and error handling....
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Configuring SPI Communication on ESP32 for Transmitting Images from OV2640 Camera Module

in continuation with my project Object Detection with MicroPython and OV2640 Camera Module Using ESP-WROOM-32. How do i configure SPI communication on the ESP32 for transmitting images captured by the OV2640 camera?
@Enthernet Code for transmitting images captured by the OV2640, you'll want to set up the camera to capture images in a format that can be efficiently transmitted over SPI. the OV2640 can output images in JPEG format, which is compressed and more manageable in size, after capturing an image, you can send it over SPI using something like this: ```python def send_image(image_data): cs.value(0) # Select the SPI device spi.write(image_data) # Transmit the image data...

How to Detect and Fix Memory Leaks in ESP32 FreeRTOS Home Automation Project?

Hi guys I'm working on an ESP32 home automation project using FreeRTOS and MQTT, but the system crashes after a few hours with the error message "Heap allocation failed". I suspect a memory leak in my createTask function: ```c void createTask(void *pvParameter) { uint8_t *buffer = malloc(1024);...
hello @Daniel kalu The issue is that the buffer you allocate with malloc(1024) remains in memory even after the task is deleted with vTaskDelete(NULL). Since you’re not freeing the buffer using free(buffer), this memory isn’t returned to the heap, leading to the Heap Allocation Failed error after several iterations.