DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.












Why isn't my ADC with DMA setup updating the variable correctly on the STM32F407ZGT6?

I'm attempting to run through two ADC channels sequentially on my STM32F407ZGT6 using DMA to capture values from two independent potentiometers, one on each channel. The program doesn't crash, but the variable sensor_val isn't being updated as I would desire. I'm making use of the DMA2_Stream0 with Channel 0 for ADC1, and my ADC1 is configured to read from PB1 (channel 9) and PA1 (channel 1). I followed a tutorial closely but avoided triggering the ADC with a timer for now. I've also referenced an example related to this issue. However, my ADC callback isn't being invoked. Based on my understanding, the expected sequence should be: ADC1->SR EOC --> ADC->CR1 EOCIE --> DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler() --> dma_ADC_callback()...
To fix your ADC issue, ensure the ADC is properly configured for multi-channel conversion, and verify that the DMA is correctly set up to transfer data to sensor_val. Check that the DMA callback is linked to the interrupt handler and that interrupt's are enabled. If you're not using a timer, make sure the ADC starts conversions automatically. Finally, use debugging tools to confirm that the callback is triggering and data is being transferred as expected.

Continuous Distance Measurement and OLED Update on BeagleBone Black with VL53L0X

Hello guys, based on my project parking assistance system using a BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux, VL53L0X time of flight distance sensor to detect the distance to nearby objects and a 0.96-inch OLED display to show the distance and warning messages. how do I continuously measure the distance using the VL53L0X sensor and update the OLED display with the readings? I have added debug prints, checked for memory issues, ensured proper handling of the OLED display but am getting the error prompt Error: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file here's my code ```python...
Hello,Your setup is okay, but the ValueError: I/O operation on closed file error seems to points to an issue with how the OLED display or I2C bus is being managed. Make sure the OLED is properly initialized and stays active. You might also want to wrap your loop in a try-except block to catch errors and prevent the display from closing unexpectedly. re-check your wiring as well. Here's a quick fix: ```python try: while True:...

ESP-IDF Custom bootloader

@everyone Does anyone know that how to flash the program, using a custom_bootloader in esp32 using esp-idf framework? If yes, I need a help on architecture wise....

Performing OTA on an STM32F7 Board with Sector-Based Flash Partitioning

Can I perform OTA on a F7 board if the flash is divided only in sectors and not banks?
Yes, you can perform OTA (Over-The-Air) updates on a F7 board even if the flash is divided into sectors and not banks. However, you'll need to ensure that the OTA update process is designed to handle sector-based flashing.

Handling PWM Pulse Synchronization and Delays with STM32F411 Using DMA and Timers

I'm working with an STM32F411 board to generate a PWM signal using timers, PWM, and DMA. My goal is to output 16 pulses every 2 ms, with each pulse representing one bit. Each pulse has a period of approximately 3 microseconds, and the duty cycle varies. I'm using libopencm3 to manage the peripherals. To achieve this, I write to a 32-bit output capture/compare register (TIMx->CCRx) using a DMA transfer from a memory buffer containing 16 32-bit integers. The PWM signal stays HIGH as long as the timer's counter is less than the CCR register value, and then it goes LOW until the timer overflows. I actually have two questions to ask guys ;...
Hello,if you are using DMA,you can stop all the DMA operations for the required halt time using xxxDMA_stop() and restart it later

Where to download the firmware for INFINIX hot 30i

Guys, I need help, who can tell me where to download the firmware for INFINIX hot 30i (x669d-f065xabn-s-ru-20240606v238), I need this one, otherwise I can’t find it on the Internet (((

Verifying I2C Communication on BeagleBone Black for VL53L0X and OLED Display

Hello Guys, based on my project parking assistance system using a BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux, VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensor to detect the distance to nearby objects and a 0.96-inch OLED display to show the distance and warning messages, how do I properly verify that the BeagleBone Black can communicate with the VL53L0X sensor and OLED display? here is what i have tried and the error i encountered in the process Error: I2C bus error ```python...

Resolving SPI Image Capture Error with OV2640 and ESP-WROOM-32 in MicroPython

hey guys, on my project Object Detection with MicroPython and OV2640 Camera Module Using ESP-WROOM-32, am trying to capture image over SPI but getting the error ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "", line XX, in capture...
Hey guys after much trouble shooting, i reduced the resolution of the captured image and am now able to capture image smoothly
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Guidance on Interfacing VL53L0X Sensor and OLED Display with BeagleBone Black for Parking Assistance

Hi everyone, I'm about starting a project on a parking assistance system using a BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux. The system involves a VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensor to detect the distance to nearby objects and a 0.96-inch OLED display to show the distance and warning messages. Can someone guide me through the setup process for interfacing the BeagleBone Black with the VL53L0X sensor and OLED display?
BeagleBone Getting Started Guide BeagleBone Images BeagleBone Black Official Documentation VL53L0X Datasheet and Reference Material Adafruit OLED SSD1306 Library

How to ensure stable operation and resolve unexpected resets on AVR32UC running Zephyr OS?

Hey guys, who knows how I can go about ensuring the stable operation of the AVR32UC MC running on Zephyr OS and resolve power-related instability issues, which prompts: System resets unexpectedly.? I have tried monitoring system stability and handling unexpected resets with the following code ```cpp #include <zephyr.h> #include <device.h> #include <drivers/gpio.h>...
To ensure stable operation of AVR32UC MC on Zephyr OS and resolve power-related issues: 1. Verify power supply and decoupling capacitors. 2. Check clock configuration and voltage regulator. 3. Monitor current consumption and temperature....

Incorrect Distance Readings from HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor on BeagleBone Black

Hey guys based on my question on developing an obstacle detection system using a BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux using HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to measure distances and displays the measurements on a 16x2 LCD screen. i was finally able to solve the issue with the lcd screen it turns out it was faulty and i had to change it and is now working smootly, but am having another issue where am getting incorrect distance reading, i know this because from my observations the distance readings are inconsistent and unrealistic, with extreme values and occasional zero readings, please how can i resolve this here's my code ```python def measure_distance_simple():...
It's likely because of the noise or timing inaccuracies. Try adding a timeout for the echo response Try if that would work!...
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How Can I Consistently Handle Sensor Data Read Failures on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS?

hey guys does anyone have idea on how can I consistently handle sensor data read failures on the AVR32UC microcontroller and address the persistent issue of sensor data read failures using the Zephyr OS? I implemented an error handling code to manage and report sensor data read failures consistently. Despite this implementation, the persistent issue of sensor data read failure remains unresolved. How can this be effectively addressed? my code setup: ```cpp #include <zephyr.h> #include <device.h>...
To handle sensor data read failures more effectively on the AVR32UC microcontroller using Zephyr OS, you can refine your approach by implementing a more robust error-handling mechanism Like: Retry Mechanism Error Reporting Initialization Check...

How Does STM32 Handle Mixed Precision Weight Transfers in AI Models?

Hi, I am working on AI for embedded systems and I am very curious to understand something more hardware-related. I am currently researching mixed precision models, which use different precisions for the weights. My question is about how these weights are moved within the microcontroller. If I understand correctly, each RAM register is 32 bits wide, meaning that with 8-bit representations, I can store 4 weights in one register. My question is, when these weights are moved, does the microcontroller (STM32) transfer each bit one by one, or are all the bits moved together? I am asking this to understand the energy consumption, as I want to determine if it is based on the number of registers moved or the number of bits moved. This understanding is crucial since moving bits is one of the most power-consuming operations when running a neural network....
@wafa_ath Microcontrollers like the STM32 typically have 32-bit wide registers. This means that they can handle 32 bits of data in a single operation, when moving data internally the microcontroller generally transfers the entire 32-bit register in a single operation.

How to Properly Connect and Initialize OV2640 Camera Module with ESP-WROOM-32 Using MicroPython?

hello guys, am workin on an Object Detection with MicroPython and OV2640 Camera Module Using ESP-WROOM-32 what is the most proper and efficient way to setup the hardware connection between the OV2640 and ESP-WROOM-32 , i have also writing a basic script in MicroPython to capture an image using the OV2640 camera module on ESP32 but getting the error failed to initialize camera, here is my code: Install necessary MicroPython libraries: ```python...
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do you know why doesn't Intellisense work in the STM32 VS Code extension?

do you know why doesn't Intellisense work in the STM32 VS Code extension?

How to Receive Variable-Length Data Over RS485 Using HAL_UART_Receive_IT on STM32F4?

Hello everyone, So I have this custom STM32F4 MCU board and need to receive various data sequences from a Master board over an RS485 network. The lengths of the data sequences are variable, such as 10 bytes, 25 bytes, etc. I need to handle each sequence and respond accordingly. How can I effectively use the HAL functions HAL_UART_Receive_IT and HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback to properly receive variable-length data? I noticed that the third argument of HAL_UART_Receive_IT requires a fixed number of bytes, like this:...
define the states for your state machine ```c typedef enum { RX_STATE_WAIT_FOR_HEADER, RX_STATE_WAIT_FOR_PAYLOAD...

How to Fetch and Display Data from DHT22 Sensor on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS?

hey guys, still trying to advance on my work, I've been working on fetching and displaying data from the DHT22 sensor using the AVR32UC microcontroller, but I'm encountering a persistent data fetch failure. Here’s the code I’ve implemented: ```cpp...
finally gushh😂 , I choked it, I enabled detailed logging, which revealed an I/O error. I then double-checked the GPIO configuration, verified d pin setup, and added a pull-up resistor. After increasing delays and adding debug prints in d driver code, I finally moved the sensor to a different GPIO pin. I think I'm making progress in this, the sensor is now successfully fetching and displaying data. see this ```[00:00:00.000,000] <inf> dht: DHT driver initialized [00:00:00.000,001] <dbg> dht: Starting data fetch [00:00:00.000,002] <dbg> dht: Starting measurement [00:00:00.000,003] <dbg> dht: Reading data Temperature: 25.4 C...

How to Ensure Atomic Access to Queue in ESP32 FreeRTOS Project?

Hey guys so while i was developing an ESP32 IoT project using FreeRTOS, I'm encountering intermittent data corruption when two tasks share a queue for sensor data (readSensorTask: Reads temperature, humidity, and pressure data from sensors (BME280) every 1 second and the processDataTask: Processes the sensor data and sends it to a cloud server (MQTT) every 10 seconds.) Despite using mutexes, I'm seeing the following error: Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited) ...
try this approach 1. Check Mutex Usage: Ensure you're correctly locking and unlocking the mutex when accessing the queue. ```c xSemaphoreTake(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);...