DevHeads IoT Integration Server
The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.
JoinDevHeads IoT Integration Server
The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.
Does anyone have experience with directly mapping FPGA memory to the microcontroller's memory space
I've reviewed some resources on memory-mapped I/O for FPGAs, but haven't found specific examples related to SPI communication. My question is :...
wanna use the flash bootloader of ST to flash my softwares using CAN-FD
Is a quartz crystal and capacitors necessary to run ATmega 328P on a breadboard?
Implementing Arduino Data Logging to Google Sheets for Valve Actions
What is your suggestion in replacement of logic analyzer to check the I2C protocol?
Why is HAL_ADC_Start Taking Longer Than Expected on STM32F446RE and How Can I Reduce Its Duration?
Any one of you have faced a challenge with the memory alignment while reading byte words ?
can somebody help me with my STM32 Nucleo H743ZI2 ?
Has anyone ever managed to get a DFPlayer module working with a MEGA board?
I need to measure the battery capacity using an ATmega32 microcontroller.
I'm trying to connect an ESP32-CAM to an ESP32 using the I2C protocol.
I'm working with the ESP32-CAM for recognizing QR codes.
Does anyone worked on SIM800L module with ESP32 using ESP-IDF framework?
What framework or tool you guys use to make iot bluetooth ble /wifi apps for andriod and ios
I want study firmware with friends.
my ESP32 Cam display is not sharp enough
How to Resolve Connection Errors When Uploading Code to ATmega32A Microcontroller?
Power On Failed
and Can't Communicate with Target Chip
How to Enable Raspberry Pi Camera Interface on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with Camera Rev 1.3?
( Raspberry Pi OS ) with Raspberry Pi4 then in raspi-config
you'll not find option to enable the camera interface. For legacy camera versions like Camera V1.4 and V2. I'll suggest to use bullseye
version of RPi OS and then enable the camera interface. The only time you need to edit config.txt
file is when using latest Camera V3 which support libcamera API
. Let us know if you're camera module works with Bullseye verision of RPi OS.How to create and write data in .xlsx file into the SD card using any microcontrollers like stm32,
When we talk about wifi esp32 / esp8266 is the first choice, are ther other alternatives?