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All posts for Kord Extensions
Error with kordex connection with spring
Error registering slash commands
Gradle plugin does not work
How send message to user by id?
It's that time again
Get guild id from channel/event
Why event called twice when i send message?
Channel change perms
How send modal respond when modal window sended?
Error with rewrite server logic
I18n is from default?
What event was called when bot started?
How i can start kordex on 21 jdk?
Build fails with SocketException when adding module("data-mongodb")
Can I load a .env file for a module instead of the whole project?
Production instance's caching behaving very differently
How long do user commands take to register?
ephemeralStringSelectMenu option values
how does defaultGuild interact with user apps?
How do monetization stuffs work?
Can you send an ephemeral response from a public slash command?
My commands aren't updating
ConcurrentModificationException errors
Sentry DSN not detected
Setting sentry's context
translations not translating
What user/guild specific data is collected by the Sentry extension?
How would I utilize the new InteractionContext type?
Cannot import via gradle