ExpressJS SDK for a MEAN stack web application.
I'm trying to integrate the SDK into my web application. My backend is written in ExpressJS and my frontend in AngularJS.
The authentication flow is as follows:
1) User presses a button to Sign in with Kinde....
Using Prisma to MongoDB With Kinde
I'm getting this error when trying to store a user id to a KindeId in my prisma ORM
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'kindeId' does not exist in type 'UserWhereUniqueInput'.ts(2353)...
Can I change the user info from the SDK?
I would like to create a page so that the user can change his first name, last name, email, password... but I can't find docs to do it.
Create Kinde Users Within Application
Hi guys,
I'm currently building an application as a contractor for a client, using the next.js SDK. Once I've finished building the application for him, I'd like for him to be able to completely manage everything on his own, including adding users.
Due to his business model where he physically goes and works with businesses around Australia and does in-person training, the application I'm building will be invite only, ie people won't be able to just sign up, my client will have to setup the organisation and users within the app....
Switch organization for logged in user
I am using sveltkit, after a user logs by selecting their organization, is it possible to switch the logged in organization without logging out? I asked @Ask Inkeep and it didn't have an answer
Logout url
Why when I log out it takes me to my custom domain log out page and not to the one I have in the allowed in the dashboard/the one I have in the env?
404/terms page
Is it possible to configure the 404 page? When I go to the main page of my custom domain I get the text: “Uh sorry. You were never meant to see this page. Try navigating back to the sign-in screen or business homepage."
And I would not like to get the text of the business page or could be customized to redirect to the main domain or another subdomain.
And another thing, is it possible to add in the sign up page a box “By registering you accept the terms and conditions” and put a link to them?...
Production problem
When I am in production and I click on the loginlink it takes to the API url and says not found.
Hi all,
Just started trying to swap over to Kinde, having followed the "SvelteKit SDK" page in the docs and am seeing
Invalid KINDE_REDIRECT_URL: Invalid URL...
JSON Web Key JWKS expiry
As per the documentation (, to validate JWTs on the back end I am fetching the JWKS from https://<your_subdomain> This works. However, to avoid having to make an HTTP request for every JWT decode, I am caching the keys. I would like to know how often these keys are rotated?
There is no
header present in the response, and I can't find anything in the docs to suggest how long I can safely cache these values.
Thanks!...Kinde and Supabase without SSR
I'm following along but my application is client side (no server side rendering.) Is it sill possible to use Kinde in this setup? It would be great if I could authenticate with Kinde and then just have the Supabase client work.
Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated....
NextJS + FastAPI
Hi there, I'm working on a project where we have a NextJS frontend which handles login and register on the frontend using the super easy Next SDK. The problem starts to form when we introduce the API that we need to make calls to.
I want to pass the JWT from the frontend over to the API and am doing so in the authorization header. From here I can use the JWK to verify the token, BUT I can't seem to figure out how to fetch additional data from Kinde such as roles, etc.
So my question is, in order to be able to fetch said additional data, would I need to handle all auth on the API side (Preferably do not want to do this 😭) or is there some sort of python SDK I can use to authorize, get roles, and get permissions on the API side using the JWT from the frontend?...
Unexpected Server error with Remix SDK and Cloudflare
So this issue is occuring when I have my domain proxied through cloudflare. I have local, staging and production setup and I made sure to test with staging to see that turning proxy on and off was the issue.
I get "Unexpected Server Error" when I try to login with a gmail account and the console shows "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()"
Is there more network request information, or info on my cloudflare setup I can share that would help us figure out why this is happening?...
Issue with getKindeServerSession().refreshTokens(); in Next.js App Router
I am currently integrating Kinde with a Next.js application using the App Router. In my application, when a user logs in and successfully completes a payment transaction, I would like to set new properties for the user as paid user. However, I am encountering an issue when attempting to refresh the ID token using the method
. It seems I am unable to fetch a new ID token after updating the user's properties.
Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this issue or recommend an alternative approach for refreshing the ID token in this context?
Thank you!...Help: cant login anymore (resolved)
Hi, I've been a happy customer for a while.
Since last week I've had complaints from users - see the screenshot.
At first I couldnt replicate it myself - and now I cant seem to authenticate at all.
Consistently seeing the "Something went wrong when we tried to authenticate you, and we can’t offer a quick way out" error....
Email custom sender with Outlook/Office 365
Hello, I am having difficulty with setting up a custom email sender using Office 365/Outlook. I have been successful in getting SMTP setup in other applicationn. However, some reason I cannot get it to work with Kinde. I continue to receive a 504 error whenever I test send an email.
I was successful with other applications using the following SMTP servers
How to add subdomain auth flow for a multi tenant app?
I already tried setting the KINDE_COOKIE_DOMAIN=.localhost
Here's my .env
How to append a role to an user given the userid using @kinde/management-api-js ?
I'm implementing a feature where an user with a specific role can append roles to other user in nextjs, I've read the docs
but still struggle....
I keep getting this message and it's self-explanatory but I have the correct url entered in my env file like this :
I created the folder/file inside the api/[...KindeAuth]/callback/+page.svelte ...