Facebook posts Feed in Webflow
Hello @Web Bae and everyone I wanted know that can we show Facebook posts feed in our website on a separate page using some API or widget and Can it function well after exporting the code as well wanted to know your thoughts and insights on this. I want to do something like this for my client http://alfikreecontracting.com/events/ .
Multi-step form with a search filter - CMS
Hi there,
Wondering if it's possible to build something like the find a chef section from this website - https://yhangry.com/ using Webflow.
I'm creating a similar system where I already have a directory made and linked to the CMS using airtable and Zapier. However, I'd like to create a multi-step form for the user to select the options and then be shown the results based on the what the user selected options in the multi-step form. (basically they're selecting it multistep but it filters through my cms content.) ...
Custom Cursor Interaction Video Issue
Hey @Web Bae, thank you for the great video on custom cursor setup!
Video linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRKdb5yDh-k&t=96s
I've followed the instructions for my project here:...
Hierarchy Filter in Webflow
Hi @Web Bae and everyone. I am trying to create a hierarchical filter in webflow as shown to the right of the image attached. Currently, I have a filter system like the left of the image attached. It is currently made from a collection list and utilizes finsweet for filtering.
Is it possible to do this in Webflow, possible with finsweet? I've tried many methods, but haven't gotten much success.
I greatly appreciate any help. Thanks!...
Custom SVG not working
Hi Guys, Its not allowing me to add a custom SVG into an element in webflow. Here is the screen recording of the issue I am facing. I have removed and added the plugin a few times but nothing seems to work- https://we.tl/t-HBzIyqfpdu
Warning dialog box
Hello everyone I will be starting a new project where I will be needing to create a warning dialogue box or page appear before user entering a website once they click on button it will disappear and they can enter and the warning should appear only once for user. Do you have any insights on how to achieve this @Web Bae and anyone else did same thing in past I would like to know your thoughts?
Wave Effect On Scroll
Hey guys,
How can I create the wave effect like this https://www.newformcap.com/ on Webflow, tried a cloanable but it has some glitch.
I want it to have the same behavior as the link when the user scroll two sections....
cms load bug
I’m using cms load to render all the cms items to a page because I have some filters that need to filter all the cms items.
Each cms items has an image slider with multi reference image field nested implemented with splide.
With the cms render all, the slide images rendered items wasn’t showing. ...
Loader animation
Hello @Web Bae & @everyone, I am trying to create a loader animation that I have gotten in a Figma file but it is not happening smoothly for some reason. And also The nav interaction is not happening properly Please can anyone help me with that. Also I want to match the animation with figma in the live site
Figma link:-https://www.figma.com/proto/zq8wh1YTi9iajriZ95nCuf/Al-Fikree?type=design&node-id=116-794&t=Vm0f6kr1tzgKqCyh-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=116%3A2&starting-point-node-id=116%3A1890&mode=design
Read only link:-https://preview.webflow.com/preview/al-fikree?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=al-fikree&preview=256ec6dc454782b6679f4b4c6a2aece4&workflow=preview
non common slider
Hello spicy community, happy New Year to everyone! Does anyone know if there's any "easy-to-implement" solution/library to achieve this slider: https://www.choreus.co/ (it's like a continuous timeline where the slide duration depends on the width of the thumbnail that is passing, seems very ingenious to me)?
Grid Trail Effect (Background Colour)
Hey guys, could be a super stupid post but im trying to changethe background colour on this effect - https://webflow.com/made-in-webflow/website/grid-trail
I can't work out how to change the background colour to this HEX: #14101E
Best option/s for hosting webhook?
So I'm building a webhook for my site (webflow, wized and xano stack). I want to make a post req when 'cms_item_created'. Would there be a better choice between axios or node? Whats the best option for hosting, considering i'm looking to do this for multiple sites?
Disabling form submissions with same email address.
Hey @Web Bae I want to disable a user for submitting the form with the same email address but I am unable to find any solution. I tried (getform.ai) but I don't see any option of restricting the same entry.
Please help!...
Slider not showing in live site
Hello @Web Bae & everyone, I was editing a normal slider according to a figma design. It is working properly in preview but on the live hosting only the image is getting slide and the content is getting black for some reason does anyone knows why this is happening.I appreciate any advice!
live site:- https://al-fikree.webflow.io/al-fikree-construction
edit only mode: -https://preview.webflow.com/preview/al-fikree?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=al-fikree&preview=256ec6dc454782b6679f4b4c6a2aece4&pageId=6594fc90b486e312b0c1d257&workflow=preview...
*RESOLVED* Nested sliders with Swiper JS
Hey @Web Bae and everyone, I'm building a scroll-snapping vertical slider with a nested horizontal slider on a 1280x400px size screen. The idea is that the user will swipe and navigate the meals on a menu using a touchscreen.
We have 4 vertical slides, and on the 3rd slide, we'll have a horizontal slider with 3 slides. Here is the Webflow read-only link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/weber-summit-screen?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=weber-summit-screen&preview=79bef86c9980c266d63f5620a3d29de4&workflow=preview
I'm trying to replicate this demo. I got the vertical slider working perfectly, but I can't get the horizontal slider to work, and the horizontal and vertical pagination dots are overlapping: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/mg72lw?file=%2Findex.html...
Webflow Multi Image CMS
I have a CMS slider of multi images for each of the cms items. Used swiper js for this. Though I am able to slide through respective slides of the slider by dragging but the navigation arrows slides each and every slide of the sliders.
Form downloads
Hello guys. I hope everyone is doing well
I want to create a form where user enters their detail and after the user clicks on submit button, the pdf downloads automatically does anyone know how to achieve this in Webflow. Is there any other way around@Web Bae...
GSAP Match Media
Hi All,
I have a gsap tl animation here, it was working perfectly fine, but I wanted to add a match media query so that the animation had a slightly different styling on the mobile breakpoint.
I added the match media in and cant seem to get it working, as the whole animation is now broken. ...
Clip Path Bae APP question
Hey Keegan,
I'm playing with your new app and I have a question, It's posible for the clipping mask to take the whole surface of the image? (and to be responsive) right now Im adding a pat but only clip proportional to the image (I want the path to cover the full image). is that posibel?...
Change scroll trigger to Tl.
@Web Bae
Hi Guys,
I wondered if someone could help me out with this, I am currently working on a personal project, and building the website for this project on webflow. Im so close to completing the site and im trying to add a little something to make my website stand out. Ive been trying to learn some gsap, but to be honest im a little stuck, as I can write basic tweens but when trying to edit existing gsap someone else has wrote I get a little stuck, well very stuck!...