cms load bug

I’m using cms load to render all the cms items to a page because I have some filters that need to filter all the cms items. Each cms items has an image slider with multi reference image field nested implemented with splide. With the cms render all, the slide images rendered items wasn’t showing. Any help with this ? @Web Bae
3 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae15mo ago
@Vhibezfx try setting the image load setting to “eager” instead of “lazy” does that work? How many items do you have? Could be a little rough on performance
VhibezfxOP15mo ago
I already figured it out already. Splide js was adding visibility: hidden to items not displaying when page load (100 cms items) and cms load renders the page after the DomContentLoad I just use the attributes API and initialize the slider after cmsload renders the page. And I later changed the slide library to swiper js
Web Bae
Web Bae15mo ago
awesome - glad you figured it out!

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