Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


Config in Typescript?

Hello, after upgrading drizzle-kit to 0.17.4 my drizzle.config.ts file stopped working. Is it now required for the config to be in JSON format? Using this: drizzle-kit generate:mysql Returns following:...

Problem running a migration

Hello there, I'm currently facing an issue with a database migration. I have two simple tables defined in my code (shown below) that I'm attempting to migrate to a MariaDB server. ``` export const usersTable = mysqlTable('user', { id: int('id').primaryKey().autoincrement().notNull(),...

How do I connect to sqlite on fly.io?

I followed the instructions on fly.io on how to setup a project using sqlite. I believe I did it all correctly. I've created a volume and an app and I've linked the volume to the app. Now I don't know how to connect to the sqlite db on there. On local I simply do new Database('sqlite.db') but I don't know what to use on fly.io. There are no docs on fly.io about this either, and I already asked on their forums. Has anyone done this before? 🙂...


Can pgEnum be converted to zod enums?

Typescript build fails with large number of columns

I have a table with ~460 columns, and on trying to run typescript on my app, I'm getting "error TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite." It goes away once I reduce the number of columns in the Drizzle mysqlTable call to <= 357. Is there any way to address this?

Selecting multiple relating rows

A more generic SQL question (Been out of SQL a while now 🙃 ) Given the following schema: ```typescript...

many-to-one transaction

Hello, I want to create transaction involving arbitrary number of inserts. For example, Artist (one table) and insert multiple Titles (another table). Not clear to me how to best accomplish based example provided: ```...

[BUG] drizzle-kit doesn't like imports outside of a module

`npx drizzle-kit generate:pg drizzle-kit: v0.17.4 drizzle-orm: v0.23.10 C:\Users\Abdul\Documents\GitHub\bodyshop-mgmt\src\env.mjs:2...

drizzle-kit throwing await is not available in the configured target environment

Hi, when using the generate:pg command i am getting this error: 'Top-level await is not available in the configured target environment ("node14")'

[Bug] Postgres migrations are broken on 0.23.10

Re-running the same postgres migration twice just throws an error that a particular table already exists. It looks like its always trying to deploy the first migration instead of using drizzle migrations table to reference and compare hashes

drizzle-kit doesn't pull foreign keys from supabase/postgres?

It's hard to really turn this into a proper bug report because, honestly, with Supabase there could be many root causes, but basically, when I use drizzle-kit to introspect my Supabase setup, it works pretty well, except: 1. It doesn't include any foreign keys 2. It doesn't include anything that's in the auth schema ...

Why does drizzle-zod create ZodString's instead of z.ZodStrings for mySQL?

I was testing out drizzle-zod for mySQL, and I know it's still actively being worked on. It seems like it was mostly working but it creates ZodStrings, instead of z.ZodStrings, and is not working with SuperForms for SvelteKit, which accepts a ZOD object. Should I not even being played around with drizzle-zod for mySQL? Or am I missing something?...

Query for Prisma like insert in multiple joined tables

Is there a way to achieve insert in multiple tables joined by foreign keys in one query like Prisma? ``` { orderStatus: OrderStatus.CART,...

Iterator for result set

I've got some big ass database tables that I'd rather not read into memory. In other languages there is an iterator attached to result set, but I haven't seen that in the JS/TS world anywhere. Is that something I'm going to have to write for myself, or have I missed it? What I'm imagining is either something that uses a DB cursor, or something that basically works like a paginator, where it will select 100 rows at a time, iterate over those rows, and keep doing that each time you call .next() until it has reached the end of the result set....

How to filter length in where for postgres?

I have a text field, which I want to select only if it's length is higher than 50. How should I do that? So I basically need to transfer where length(item.content) >= 50 to Drizzle.

Is there currently a way to utilize onUpdate?

Trying to run ON UPDATE NOW() for a last_updated column for whenever the row is changed.

Migrations not working on github actions

Any suggestions to debug this on actions? Is it possible that the database is not created?

"The supplied SQL string contains more than one statement" after running "generate:sqlite"

I just updated one of my schemas with a few columns and now my project is broken. This is the generated SQL ``sql ALTER TABLE projects ADD project_id` integer;...

[bug] Some sql statement looks broken when bulk insert

```ts await db.insert(users) .values( { name: 'Andrew',...