Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


missing type declarations in mysql-core imports (>v0.25.1)

after upgrading drizzle-orm to v0.25.1 i get some errors in my schema telling me that drizzle-orm/mysql-core/indexes, columns and table all have missing type declarations, any idea why that might be happening?

[email protected] broke edge support

Seems like the ESM Support broke some stuff in the edge runtime land. This my vercel build output with [email protected]:

Does Drizzle support type CUID?

In Prisma i can use: id String @id @default(cuid()) Do we have similar solutions?...

Get column name in error messages

Is there a way to get column names exactly where the query is failing, for example when the FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT fails

Using Drizzle as a package in Turborepo doesn't work ?

I have a monorepo (Turborepo) with a shared package called @mono/database in which I put my drizzle schema and my types. I'm testing a query on an app of this monorepo (a simple Node.js folder with TS files), and I also run the exact same query (with the same exact drizzle client definition) from my package to test it out. The thing is: the query works perfectly when ran from my package but outputs an error when run from my app that uses the content of the package. When I run the query from my package directly, the logger it outputs the beautiful SQL statement complete with all the tables and fields....

Argument of type 'Database' is not assignable to parameter of type 'D1Database'.

I'm trying to use drizzle with cloudflare d1 but getting this error. Any help?...

drizzle-zod update schema?

is there any plan for createUpdateSchema from drizzle-zod?

How to reproduce a Prisma `include` statement for arrays of related entities without SQL?

Hello, I'm trying to translate this SQL query to DrizzleORM; ``` SELECT...

many-to-one selection as array

Hi, Let's say I have a user table, and the user can have multiple profiles. When I select using join on user_id I get back two records like so (pseudo-code): ```...

Alias in from() change? (SQLite)

Did something change wrt using aliases in from()? Until recently I've been using aliases to affect the resulting object, but it seems to have stopped working as it did before. Previously: ```ts const user = alias(User, "user"); const parent = alias(User, "parent");...

Table definition has 'any' type

I'm defining all of my tables in an index.ts file; but on some tables like visitor_events I get this errors; 'visitor_events' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer. On other tables however, I don't have the error and the PgTableWithColumns is correctly infered. ...

CTE query of hierarchical data

I'd like to drizzle-ize this query: ```sql WITH RECURSIVE Child(n) AS (...

createInsertSchema wrong type (drizzle-zod 0.3.1, sqlite))

After upgrading to 0.3.1, all of the fields changed to ZodTypeAny

How do I get the values of an insert inside a transaction?

I have this transaction where I create a project and add variables and a history of those variables. I need the IDs of the variables for variables_history. How can I get those values? ```ts await db.transaction(async (tx) => { // Add project to DB...

Raw sql`` quoting issue

Hi, I doing a work around until Drizzle supports generated columns. I have a manual script that adds the generated column + its index. I'm dynamically building the sql query since there's no typings yet. ```...

Nuxt3 type error

Hello, is there somebody who used Drizzle in Nuxt3 project? I have problem with inheriting types from api, but only when I select specific columns from db. Server-side code shows correct types. Problem is on client-side, like you can see on photo. It gives mi correct type OR default type... Server-side ```ts...

Syntax error mysql migration using composite primary key

``sql --> statement-breakpoint CREATE TABLE member_to_address ( member_id varchar(32) NOT NULL, address_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL...

when using planetscale, using the `.$with()` and `.with()` clauses causes error

Is it not possible to use $with() and with() with planetscale? it gives the following error: DatabaseError: unsupported: with expression in select statement from the @planetscale/database package...

Zod prototype mismatch

Even though the Zod object constructor name created by Drizzle is ZodObject, it is not an instanceof ZodObject. This is causing an error in another library I am using that accepts ZOD objects. Since I've got Zod as a peer dependency, it should be expected that drizzle-zod is using that version when it creates a Zod objects? I could be off here. It appears that drizzle-zod has ZOD as a peer dependecy, but drizzle-orm does not?...


Getting the following error when running generate:pg ``` ZodError: [ { "code": "unrecognized_keys",...