How to insert many rows with one-to-many relationships
table, and at the same time insert each artist's songs into a songs
table. Each song would be linked to the artist ID, but the artist ID would be generated by the query itself. Any way to accomplish this with Drizzle?
Basically, I have data like this I want to insert:
[...Drizzle migrations workflow with CICD and multi-dev teams
Query from table with where clause NOT IN another sub query?
how to empty a table (postgres)
const emptied = await db.execute(sql
DELETE FROM featured_salons;`)...using in nest.js
"bind message supplies 1 parameters, but prepared statement \"\" requires 0"
const results = await drizzleDb
.select({ count: sql<number>
count(*)` })
url to connect, is that correct?...Subquery in select
Error when running drizzle-kit generate:mysql
[Postgres] prepared with inArray & placeholder
Transactions with postgres
Relational queries (PlanetScale)
support relational queries?
I am currently using PlanetScale, but I haven't been able to find any information about relational queries in the following documents:
- Rollback meesage
Sqlite insert returning typing help
Drizzle-orm for Vercel, select do not take any argument?
Migrating from Prisma to Drizzle - What would be helpful to track for a before / after?
Count, Distinct, etc (postgres)
Query/select statement of column via sql`` for extras field
onConflictDoUpdate array