Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


Studio error

Hi, i'm trying Studio with my pgsql setup but when i run pnpm drizzle-kit studio i get this error message : Cannot find package 'pg' imported from /home/user/dev/project/node_modules/drizzle-orm/node-postgres/index.mjs ...

How to derive type from relational query?

Hi, I was wondering if there was an easy way to generate types from relational queries that I can then use in TS. Don't seem to see anything in the docs but I could be blind.

Confused about Relationships in Drizzle?

i have relationships like this in https://lucia-auth.com ```bash users -> sessions, keys, email_verification_tokens (1:many) ...

accessing results of a select

I am confused. Based on this docs https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/crud this here ``` const todos = await db .select({...

Disable postgres log when executing raw sql queries

Is there a way to disable auto logging notices ? I have a script that truncates all my db each time a test suite is running and my console gets full of ``` console.log { severity_local: 'NOTICE',...

Error When Applying Migrations Related to Text Indexes

Hello, I am attempting to apply some new migrations, however I am getting the following error when attempting to do so. Any idea why this is? Thanks! Error: DatabaseError: target: hackkit.-.primary: vttablet: BLOB/TEXT column 'presigned_url' used in key specification without a key length (errno 1170) (sqlstate 42000) (CallerID: v6f912c7oc1zkrupmyrv): Sql: "create table files (\n\tpresigned_url text not null,\n\tkey varchar(500) not null,\n\tvalidated boolean not null default false,\n\ttype enum('generic', 'resume') not null,\n\towner_id varchar(255) not null,\n\tconstraint files_presigned_url_unique UNIQUE key (presigned_url),\n\tconstraint files_key_unique UNIQUE key (key)\n)", BindVars: {REDACTED}...

Pre & Post Save Signals

Are there any plans of drizzle-orm implementing something similar to this proposal? https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/755

Update existing schema when introspecting db

Is it possible to update an existing schema using introspection? Currently, drizzle-kit just wipes any changes I make to the schema (relations, renaming, etc.).

Composite key with different sorting order

``` pgTable( 'admin_patient_message', { id: char('id', { length: 36 }).primaryKey().notNull(),...

Self referencing

I have schema: ```js export const categories = pgTable('categories',{ id: integer('id').primaryKey(), name: varchar('name',{length: 255}),...

How to Chain multiple selects

I am new to ORMS and SQL so please bear with me. I have the attached schema for the chat component of the app that I am building. I am a bit lost how I would chain this sequence of select statements
select * from chat_room_participants where user_uid='d0fc7e46-a8a5-4fd4-8ba7-af485013e6fa'
select * from chat_rooms where id=1
select * from chat_messages where chat_room_id=1
select * from chat_room_participants where user_uid='d0fc7e46-a8a5-4fd4-8ba7-af485013e6fa'
select * from chat_rooms where id=1
select * from chat_messages where chat_room_id=1
help much appreciated...

infer model with relations

is possible to infer model along with all its relations? Like if I have projects and projectsRelations which includes tasks can I create a type Project that includes tasks?...

Clear the whole database?

For my test environment I'd like to clear the whole db.. is there a way to achieve this using drizzle ?

generate:pg "snapshot.json data is malformed" error after merge conflicts

Hi there, my team and I use the following method to avoid merge issues: If master has migrations that you are missing, drop all your new migrations, merge in the master, then run generate:pg to re-generate your migrations. Based on my understanding of drizzle-kit, this should work, but generate:pg is consistently failing with the above error after I drop my new migrations then merge in my team's. Anyone run into this before? Is there any way to get more info on what the issue with the snapshot is?...

Importing drizzle-zod Schemas on the Client

Hi, Is it ok to import schemas generated with drizzle-zod via createInsertSchema on the client? I have my schema in a separate schema.ts file away from where I init my database if that matters at all. Thanks!...

Updating jsonb objects with Drizzle?

Hey there, i'm currently working on migrating my database and code from MongoDB with Mongoose to Postgres with Drizzle and have encountered a question that I couldnt find answered on the docs. I query JSON like this in my MongoDB database ```ts Profiles.findOneAndUpdate({ accountId: user.accountId }, { $set: { "profiles.athena.items": allItems.items } }, { new: true }, (err, doc) => { if (err) console.log(err);...

auto updated_at

is there a way to automatically update the updatedAt column of a postgres table ?

Fulltext index MySQL

How can I define a fulltext index with MySQL? there is no fulltextIndex available in mysql-core.