SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM your_table_name WHERE id = 1 AND version = 5)
SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM your_table_name WHERE id = 1 AND version = 5)
Zod schema validation from Drizzle schema

Each element of array is a foreign key
Buffer isn't defined
Is it possible to do lateral sub-query join without relational queries?
[Remunerated] Looking for help to switch my project from Prisma to DrizzleORM

drizzle studio tables are empty

Bug on custom type inference? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
JSON with PostgreSQL not serializing correctly
hostnames: jsonb("hostnames").$type<string[]>().default([]),
hostnames: jsonb("hostnames").$type<string[]>().default([]),
hashing password in Cloudflare Workers
How to get the count of records? Here is my normal sql, trying to translate into drizzle
Is there a way to create check constraint?
How to add to the database where the table has a many relationship to another table
Where clauses across multiple tables in relational queries
Prepared queries typings lost after export in monorepo
package to be used across functions in the functions
The prepared queries are defined like that:
// packages/core/db/preparedQueries.ts...
Nodejs - Typescript Project Build
I get these errors because of drizzle.
Column Unique name appears to be incorrect when spreading common fields to multiple tables
naming convention on them with the unique field
[ 'created_at', 'PgTimestamp', 'organizations_created_at_unique' ],
[ 'updated_at', 'PgTimestamp', 'organizations_updated_at_unique' ],...
Nested Relations Where has Zero Typings :confused:

on every `migrate()`: schema "drizzle" already exists, skipping