HELP: Key columns "resource_id" and "id" are of incompatible types: text and integer.
Docs unclear on connection pool vs. direct connection
Serializable isolation level - for update selects
Json object aggregate
s) to retrieve rows and their related translation strings. My schema has a bunch of tables like so:
export const projects = pgTable('projects', {
id: nanoid('id').default(generateNanoid()).primaryKey(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true }).defaultNow().notNull(),...many to many self reference
Extract a type from a table
Best practice on running migrations
await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "drizzle" });
await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "drizzle" });
Initial query after Neon's suspend_compute
I have some enum types on a schema, but I can't define it in drizzle-orm.
but if I use it, when creating migrations or pushing to the database it'll try to change the table column types from main.enum_name
to enum_name
which fails.
It'll be great if we had something similar to the schema.table
but for enums (schema.enum
)....Unexpected identifier 'TABLE'
drizzle-kit generate:pg
to generate this schema
username VARCHAR(255),...How to join tables from different dbs in same db cluster?
Why is my query so much slower when filter by all four latitude/longitude bounds than just three?
Enum type gets lost
bunx drizzle-kit push:sqlite
and pull on the website with bunx drizzle-kit introspect:sqlite
in my schema definition I have the following table
```ts...Hey I looking for the documentation of the `get()` methods
a lot.
I could find the documentation for it?
anyone as any idea what it does or how to use it?...No query result types
there is no autocomplete for organizations
columns, it shows only relations (restaurants
this.conn is PostgresJsDatabase<typeof schema>
But if i specify
Help migrating raw query from prisma to drizzle
const results: any = await prisma.$queryRaw
...Dropping mysql unique errors
drizzle-zod object scoped refine
s multiple columns. For example whether password field is equal to confirmPassword filed.
With zod it was a .refine() after a z.object(), but I cant
get it work with createInsertSchema()
Is there any workaround to work with react hook forms?...connection ECONNREFUSED when trying to push to neon db
```bash...Setting connectionString from env in sveltekit