Help with improving database query
Typescript types for relational queries with neon db
Migrating in JS & JSON (no filesytem)
Unable to generate uuid as primary key
"null value in column \"id\" of relation \"User\" violates not-null constraint"
"null value in column \"id\" of relation \"User\" violates not-null constraint"
[Has Solution] Drizzle Studio says it's running on the server
pnpm drizzle-kit studio
. I am receiving the message: Drizzle Studio is up and running on
If I try to hit that route, nothing's on there. But if I instead change the URL to
. It works....Error using relational queries but not with core queries
const invitesData = await, eq(invites.inviterId,,;
const invitesData = await, eq(invites.inviterId,,;
Is it good to use UUID as primary key ?
What exactly i am doing wrong.. Prepared Query
Upsert create/update joined table similar to Prisma
that I want to update its joined table shelf
or create it if its not there
.update({...dynamic table name
const { tableName } = params;
const data = await dbPool.execute(sql`SELECT * FROM ${tableName}`);
const { tableName } = params;
const data = await dbPool.execute(sql`SELECT * FROM ${tableName}`);
Is there a way to call a prepared statement from within a transaction?
. Is it possible to call it from within a transaction?
Something like
```typescript...Similar building of where clause to Prisma
How to add custom SQL queries during or after migration in drizzle schema?
Journal displays wrong driver (I think)
node_modules/drizzle-orm/mysql-core/db.d.ts(1,38): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'mysql2/promise' or its corresponding type declarations.
I went and checked where in my project the string 'mysql' was used (maybe I accidentally imported 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core' instead of pg-core'. This wasn't the case and the only file in my project referencing 'mysql' was ./drizzle/meta/_journal.json
, it has a first level key 'dialect', which is set to 'mysql'. From what I understand I should NOT alter these files directly since they are generated (right?). There for I checked my 'migrate' command...Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.ts(2554)
Bun with drizzle
Get raw query from toSQL
error: Cannot find module "@libsql/linux-x64-musl" from "~/todion/node_modules/libsql/index.js"