Thiago R.
Explore posts from serversLocal machine refuses to connect to an ASP.NET Core Web API container
Source Code
this is the API source code:
The api container's http port is mapping to 8082 becaues I have an apache server running on the host's 8080 port. But that shouldn't be an issue at all, as far as I know.
What I've tried until then
Also, I've tried the following suggestions from forum posts with related issues:
* Checking
rules to assure the container address is not being blocked by the host's firewall:
sudo iptables -L -v -n | grep 808
* Disabling ufw
to http://+:8080/
* Adding Kestrel:EndPoints:Http:Url=http://+:8080
to docker-compose.yml
* Delete the container's and its images to clear any previous data
None of the options above had any effect.15 replies