Explore posts from servers❔ NU1301 - Oracle VM
Does anyone have an idea why I get the error
/src/NetcupPromotions.csproj : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json.
when I run dotnet restore "NetcupPromotions.csproj"
in a Dockerfile?
The whole thing is running on an Oracle Cloud VM, maybe it's the firewall there or something?2 replies
Cant connect to Redis Database
Any idea, why I cant connect to my local Redis database?
When I try to connect via redis cli, it works.
19 replies
System.Text.Json.Serialize returns emtpy map
Hey! 👋
Any idea, why my System.Text.Json-Serialize returns an empty map?
response = new Response(404, "Endpoint not found");
Response-Class: https://haste.devcord.club/tonasutapi.cs3 replies
StackExchange.Redis RedisJSON
Hey! 👋
any idea, how I can use RedisJSON(https://redis.io/docs/stack/json/) with StackExchange.Redis(https://stackexchange.github.io/StackExchange.Redis/)?
2 replies