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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Salumsu on 7/30/2024 in #questions
T3 App type error
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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Salumsu on 7/3/2024 in #questions
Auth js authentication in Next JS for laravel backend
Hey everyone, I'm exploring using Auth JS to handle authentication in my Next.js app and then checking authentication status on my Laravel backend, which is on a separate server. Any advice on setting this up? Also, I'd like to use server components in Next.js while ensuring users can authenticate to access protected routes in my Laravel API. Any tips for achieving this?
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Salumsu on 7/1/2024 in #questions
Extending react-query with typescript
Guys I'm just wondering if I can do something like this? import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query"; export function usePaginatedQuery (other params,...[USE QUERY PARAMS]) { const query = useQuery([USE QUERY PARAMS]) } I see myself rewriting the logic for this for the entire app so I'm trying to create a custom hook for it. However, I can't find any reference on the internet on how to properly extend useQuery using typescript. My knowledge in typescript is not that deep yet to figure out this kind of things. I know this is easy enough in plain js but I want the benefits of typescript. Any help would be appreciated, TIA!
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