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Created by Ramazan on 11/20/2023 in #❓-help
`useSuspenseQuery` still runs a fetch on SSR even when setting `ssr: false` in the api config
Beside double-fetching, this causes issues during rendering if you have auth on your routes as the SSR server doesn't seem to pass through the cookies to the tRPC route. Using Next.js 14.0.3 with the pages directory. Repro here: https://github.com/relsunkaev/trpc-ssr-suspense-repro
3 replies
Created by Ramazan on 8/28/2023 in #❓-help
Server-side error tracing with Datadog
Hey, has anyone had any luck setting up tracing with tRPC? Specifically with dd-trace-js. We’re using Datadog and because tRPC handles all errors internally, the tracer doesn’t actually get access to the stack trace. Likewise, it stops creating spans before hitting the tRPC route and only resumes if any library underneath is instrumented.
5 replies