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Created by tropic on 5/30/2023 in #help
❔ Image is not being displayed On Azure
In an application we get images of pdf files from the database in the form of a byte[]. When you use the preview button it is to open a new tab and display that file. IN development it shows up fine but once it is deployed to Azure on app service, Its just a blank page with no URL or any thing. I am requesting help debugging it.
protected void cppreview_Callback(object sender, CallbackEventArgsBase e)
using (var uow = new OriginationUow())
var id = new Guid(Convert.ToString(hdf_attchmentid.Get("attachmentid")));
var file = uow.Attachments.GetAll().Where(o => o.InvoiceId == (id));

foreach (var item in file)
byte[] fileBytes = item.FileDetails;
var filename = item.DocName;

if (filename.EndsWith(".pdf"))

Session["PdfFile"] = fileBytes;
Session["PdfId"] = id;
_name = "View/Attachment/PdfFile.aspx";

cppreview.JSProperties["cpResult"] = _name;
protected void cppreview_Callback(object sender, CallbackEventArgsBase e)
using (var uow = new OriginationUow())
var id = new Guid(Convert.ToString(hdf_attchmentid.Get("attachmentid")));
var file = uow.Attachments.GetAll().Where(o => o.InvoiceId == (id));

foreach (var item in file)
byte[] fileBytes = item.FileDetails;
var filename = item.DocName;

if (filename.EndsWith(".pdf"))

Session["PdfFile"] = fileBytes;
Session["PdfId"] = id;
_name = "View/Attachment/PdfFile.aspx";

cppreview.JSProperties["cpResult"] = _name;
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