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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by tozz on 4/10/2024 in #pages-help
"No wrangler.toml file found" error in mono repo setup
We have a mono repo and have configured a pages project with a root directory pointing to the application. The build command works and the dist folder is read from that root. However, in the build log we see No wrangler.toml file found , but the file is definitely there (and it works fine i dev). Could it be a bug that the root directory is not honoured when looking for the wrangler.toml file?
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by tozz on 11/13/2023 in #general-help
Tunnel from pages function (or worker) to GCP k8s cluster
Imagine you have a k8s cluster locked down inside GCP and you want to deploy your SPA on Pages. Your SPA has some logic that needs to live in a function (or worker, but function would be nicer for deploys) and said function needs to communicate with your k8s cluster inside GCP. If you don't want to open up your cluster to outside traffic, would it be possible to use Cloudflare Tunnels for this?
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by tozz on 9/2/2023 in #pages-help
CORS errors with wrangler
So I'm doing some local development where I have a Vite dev server and a wrangler ditto for the functions. Unfortunately the wrangler server doesn't return proper cors headers and I don't see any way to configure it. I've seen some dangerous suggestions online where you rewrite the headers in your function, but that would go out in production too and that's definitely not desireable. So, is there a way to send "allow everything" headers with wrangler by default? The reason I don't use the automated "pass through" is because wranger doesn't handle websockets, so HMR breaks.
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