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Created by jakeAnon on 6/27/2023 in #✋|help
Can railway be used in a work setting?
Hello, Are there any licensing issues I should be aware of prior to using Railway at work? For context, I work in the public sector and would like to use the railway platform to host a couple of scripts or API's.
8 replies
Created by jakeAnon on 3/28/2023 in #✋|help
Deploying python 2.7 flask app
Hello, I have no choice but to use python 2.7. However i am having trouble deploying my flask application.
python: No module named venv
python: No module named venv
venv doesnt exist until python 3 , how can i deploy it with virtualenv instead?
23 replies
Created by jakeAnon on 3/27/2023 in #✋|help
Making flask app secure
Hello I have a simple flask app that is triggering some devices in my facility. I currently have cors and a secret-key needed in header in order for request to go through. How can I make my flask app more secure? do I need to set up gunicorn and nginx when deploying on railway? Open to any advice thank you ps. I am not expecting a ton of traffic to be hitting my endpoint
12 replies