Having long selector would force it to go super deep, I would think.
Having long selector would force it to go super deep, I would think.
9 Replies
Even with the restriction to direct children with
?Well, it'll probably try to find the lowest element first, which with long selector would be the deepest.
But only three levels deep, since the longest selector only digs down three levels, no?
I guess, but it would continue going deeper in case it's somewhere deeper.
Ahh, I see your point, it might keep searching for another '#top-elem' somewhere further down the line. Maybe a while loop that searches only one level on each iteration, and redeclares the root element to a level up each time, breaking out when you reach three iterations?
Mmm, that feels clunky. I'm sure someone else will provide you with a much more elegant solution
Sorry I couldn't have been more help!
Custom tree walking up the parent elements seems only way, but that brings all kinds of other problems.
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