Placing DOs

Definitely not a large need for this, but I had an idea for a small file-sharing service, that would allow you to input the general location of the person you are sending the file to, then it would upload the file to the nearest colo to you, transfer the file to a colo near the receiver, then wait for them to download it.
4 Replies
Erwin4y ago
The one challenge with this is that DOs only support up to 32kb per key in their storage. So you won't be able to support large files (or even medium ones really :D)
Hello, I’m Allie!
Oh, oops. Thought it was at 1mb...
Erwin4y ago
Pretty sure it was 32kb.. will look it up in a minute
Hello, I’m Allie!
Yeah, it is. I was wrong.

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