wow their website is sparse
wow their website is sparse
9 Replies
There is a contact us form that I'm tentatively filling out but I don't want to have to send it unless I have to
In their core rulebook there's this:
Dragon Turtle Games, the Dragon Turtle Games logo, and all content herein are copyright Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
Carbon 2185, the Carbon 2185 logo, CarbonRPG, are all copyright The Marriner-Dodds Company, officially licensed to Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the martial or artwork contain herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Dragon Turtle Games
I don't know what martial means outside of relating to war so idk what that means in this context
probably a typo of
Like my fallback plan is just to release support under the name Carbon
So again, NAL, the Name "Carbon 2185" would have to be a licensed trademark of Dragon Turtle Games for you to get in trouble for using it without auth.
If you're concerned, the "Carbon" fallback plan is a good one
Also, still NAL, everything I've read has also indicated that reproducing or implementing the rules of a system or game is not illegal. What is copyright is the "copy" the words and content in their exact form, not the intention of the rules.
The question of "how different does copy have to be before it's not in trouble" is one that has never been answered fully to my satisfaction.
Based on that understanding: The implementation of the Carbon whatever's ruleset in a mod for foundry is 'fine'. The inclusion of a Journal entry that has all of, or even parts of, the rule book is not fine.
Okay, thanks. I'll move forward with that in mind. It's an irritating dilemma to keep running into, but I'd rather be overly cautious than not enough
Things start getting hairy when you have to include stuff like Item descriptions... Are those part of the "rules"? or part of the "Copy"? On that front, it could be argued that including the description of various items and abilities in the mod would violate copyright. But it could be argued the other way too...
I think at least in WOTC case, they see that as copyrighted content. Which is why some spells, magic items, and monster blocks are not included in the SRD
for 13th Age, we had to get a specific license to include (13th Age Compatible) in our system name
Unofficial wasn't enough
Ah, okay. I've always wondered how it was determined
How did you go about phrasing yourself and explaining Foundry and what you were doing when you asked about it?
we read their licenses, thought we were fine with the community one, then when a bunch of publishers looked at Foundry after the WFRPE publishers got mad, Pelgrane (who makes 13A) yelled at us that "Foundry isn't free so even if the System is free, it doesn't count"