Oh wow you reply fast x)

Oh wow you reply fast x)
16 Replies
plain-purpleOP5y ago
Thank you ❤️ I just recently installed the plugin so I didn't see that part
like-gold5y ago
adverse-sapphire5y ago
@Butzlabben so what's with my problem?
@Butzlabben so what's with my problem?
@kolyayt_ @Trainerlord
like-gold5y ago
@kolyayt_ I'm working on adding a feature to fix your problem give me a little bit.
plain-purple5y ago
I finally found the time to install the plugin and give it a whirl. It seems exactly what I was looking for! I do have a request to add a cost feature but for XP instead of economy money? I also wanted to know if it were possible to add a VOID world generation type built into the plugin itself: would lend itself to the micro maps I intend to use (or others).
plain-purpleOP5y ago
Hi, are there any solution in regards of other plugins breaking whenever the world is unloaded? (I'm referring to plugins that have block data/location such as holograms, minions, etc...)
like-gold5y ago
@ultimaoath I'll see what a I can do about the exp feature and the Void world can be worked around using the Template world feature @craftizz Currently i have no idea how thoses type of plugin would have issues since to world is loaded and deload like traditional minecraft chunk loaded but please send any errors my way
plain-purpleOP5y ago
Hi, sorry for late response. One of examples are Holographic Displays. This is the error I got:
[17:08:18 WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'Craftizz' was in the world 'ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28' but it wasn't loaded.
[17:08:18 WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'Craftizz1' was in the world 'ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28' but it wasn't loaded.
[17:08:18 WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'Craftizz' was in the world 'ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28' but it wasn't loaded.
[17:08:18 WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'Craftizz1' was in the world 'ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28' but it wasn't loaded.
I know this is more of HolographicDisplay & other plugins side because how they were designed to load, but are there any solutions for this? Some plugins do work though such as Worldguard which load together with the world Worldguard Log:
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28'
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[17:08:43 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'ID0-ceb4922f-b5fa-4ff0-9433-e3f0f7115a28'
like-gold5y ago
I'm sorry I don't currently have a work around for Holographic displays but i will look in to seeing what I can do.
plain-purpleOP5y ago
Alright, Thanks! x)
adverse-sapphire5y ago
Hey there, any plans for sponge support? 😄
like-gold5y ago
As of right now worldsystem dose not have any plans for sponge support until multiple other features and bugs are finished
adverse-sapphire5y ago
Alright, thank you for the fast response 🙂
like-gold5y ago
np if you stay in the discord eventualy I will have an acouncment for the sponge edition of the plugin
adverse-sapphire5y ago
Sure 🙂
like-gold5y ago
Just note to provide the most stable plugin to our users Sponge is not a high priority. If you want update just check my status that'll tell you everything

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