How do I replicate this scrolling animation?

I found this scrolling animation on and thought it would be great to implement it on my own website, but I have no idea where to start. Would appreciate literally any guiding steps on how to start/what the thought process looks like. Currently using React with Chakra UI and motion.
3 Replies
Simon6d ago
I believe there is no generally valid answer. CSS can do alot already, but people also wrap their heads around things like GSAP. The recording likely displays a combination of techniques e.g. scroll-driven CSS triggers, vanilla JavaScript and libraries plus SVG morphing.
ἔρως6d ago
the easiest is to read the examples from unless you want to replicate it all yourself
b1mind6d ago
I mean its using motion on the motion website, you could try to gleam the source. But ya I'm sure they have examples to show you have to do it.

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