Video playback problems after update
After one of the last updates video playback on my system is broken. Haruna, which is my default video player, segfaults after opening, mpv does indeed play the video but its stuttering and lagy, not really usable. I've also tried VLC player, but with addition to stuttering it produces visual artifacts.
Videos in question are recording from DJI O4 Air unit, 4k@60fps, 95Mbps. When opened through Gyroflow preview works as it always worked, no issues there.
I've tried rollbacking to
but no difference. My system specs:
I can not find anything significant in logs, only this segfault when opening video with Haruna24 Replies
Artifacts in VLC

Do you know what codec the video uses?
If so, check the flatpaks to see if there was an update for whatever is providing the codec, e.g., ffmpeg or h264.
Hey! Thanks for responding. Video uses HEVC h.265 codec. I've went into Discover to discover that there are some ffmpeg extensions updates pending but that changed nothing. By running
flatpak list
i can see that i have mutiple versions of ffmpeg and h264 codes, but nothing with 265.
Wasn't flatpak job to bundle all dependnecies for running app? I'm confused here, kinda new to fedora's pretty common for certain apps to use different runtime versions - f.ex. you may notice having multiple openh264 runtime versions. i'm not sure what could have caused the issue though. is it only happening to 265 videos?
@amel Haruna segfaults for any video I've tried. Stutters on mpv and stutters+artifacts on VLC happen only to 265 videos recorded in 4k@60fps, everything is ok with 1080p@100fps recorded with the same device.
I've downloaded some 4k samples encoded with 264 - buttery smooth
there are times where they have to rely on a separate runtime as a dependency like for video codecs subject to licensing
haruna had an update 2 days ago apparently
you could try downgrading it
ok i'll try it
I've converted 265 video to 264 using Shotcut and it plays flawlessly, at least it's a workaround
on warehouse if you need pointers

oh nice, did not know this and went with the cli way
after reverting to this version it just works

are you missing ffmpeg-full?
will see if downgrading VLC and MPV also does the trick
hmm i do not know. How do i check?
flatpak list --runtime | grep ffmpeg-full
if you don't have it, you could try installinghave too much ffmpegs

ah okay then it's probably not it
btw that could also be why you have so many seemingly duplicated runtimes. not only are they of different versions, they are installed at different levels (system and user)
flatpaks installed at user level installs its own runtimes at user level
ok that makes sense
but if the previous version indeed is working just fine, and the current ver is problematic, you might want to inform the flatpak maintainers? or you could choose to wait until the next ver comes, up to you
downgrading either vlc and mpv did not fix the issue, so that is still unknown
i will post a bug report to haruna later today
thank you for help with diagnosing the issue
yw! hope it gets back to just working soon