Replace Hamburger Menu with a Menu Page?

If I were to replace a hamburger menu with menu page, would that break the Universe? On my future hamburger menu, I will have either Sections or quite likely a nested accordion with Section, Sub-Section, etc. The problem with a hamburger menu, is that if someone clicks on the "Business" section, and then the "Finance" sub-section, and they want to navigate backwards, a hamburger menu breaks things as it will take them to the Home page. My thinking is that if you clicked on something that mimicked a hamburger menu, but it was a menu page, then you can easily drill down to sub-sub-sections, or go back up to the Home page with ease. And since most hamburger menus are full screen on mobile anyways, the user wouldn't know. But I don't know if doing this breaks some UI/UX rule, so I figured I should ask first! Addendum: My website has a very complicated Information Architecture with many layers and trying to also provide many ways to get to what people want. (Think of it as an online university.) Similar to how Windows Explorer (or macOS Finder) works, or how the original WWW worked, I want to allow people to easily drill-down, then back out and hope around with ease and not get lost where they are at. Have had several people tell me that hamburger menus can confuse people in what to expect if they hit the browser "Back" button, so I am hoping having a menu that is actually a webpage might solve this issue? Hope that makes sense?
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13eck2w ago
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