30 Replies
can someone at riot do something about this
was it a 5 stack?
fucking immos coming here
yeah then heβs just boosting
how do i report this shit
they get 4 iron alt accounts and 5 stack so they rank up
i cant affort to lose rr
all you can do is report it game
just try not to 5 staxk
play in trios or duos
i tolf my team do it
yeah thats basically all you can do
idk what to do
avoid 5 stacking
also can i get someone at riot to help?
its not gonna do anything
you can try making a ticket but ive never seen it work before
just 3 stack ranked instead

why dosent riot do something about this
they do
its bannable
report it ingame and maybe in a ticket if you want
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
i told my team
idk if they did or no but i did
safest option is reporting in a ticket
im doing that only rn
thanks dude for the link
btw do you get your rr back cause of it??
i lost 30 rr cause of it
why dont they give it mannn
wtf πππ
just kill him
oh fuck no