plz help
i tried everything possible but nothing helped

37 Replies
you need to enable secure boot
i did enable it but the error still appear
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Alright enter bios and show pic
ohhh now i see it
even though it says its enabeld in bois
alr one sec
those are the best i can do
it isn`t cleare but i hope thats ok
(forwarded from my alt acc)
Open boot tab
Show pic
sorry but whats a boot tab is it the text the comes whem i boot the pc that says thinks like del to open bios

In the bios
What does the first option under boot configuration say
Open advanced show pic rq
i did take photos of most of the tabs

Disable “CSM Support”
Press F10 and save and exit
And enter bios again
may i ask you smth
what does csm support do?
It’s for Legacy mode system
To enable secure boot
You need to disable it
and whats Legacy mode system
so i restart the pc open bois disable it and i open bois again after saving and then i take pics and show you right?
Legacy mode is for older systems with older bios and shi
yo i did it and all the options under it disappered
Open security
Open secure boot
Open key management
Click on restore factory keys
Click yes on both option
i clicked yes on both options then it wanted to exit without saving is it normal?
Once it restarts
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
and then?
Show ss^

Ok good
Try the game now
it works ty
Solution: Enable secure boot from the bios