Boot device verification failure
as i know i have to change my windows to a internal drive, but how can i do that, can someone send me a tutorial?

68 Replies
hello, i managed to fix this with :
Clone Your Windows System Drive for Free with Hasleo Backup Suite
If you have the need to clone your Windows\System drive to use with a new or larger drive you can easily clone it using the free Hasleo Backup Suite software. This also comes in handy if your hard drive is failing and you want to copy Windows along with your programs and files over to a new drive.
Here is a link to download the Hasleo Backup Su...
I got a ssd external and my windows is ins this ssd
If i transfer the windows to my hdd intern
Valorant gonna work?
hdd is slow though…
you could but it would delay every other app+Windows, but yes it will work
There is another option to solve the vérification boot failure?
if you have windows installed on both drives , yes
if you have windows installed on your HDD and ssd you can make it work
i think
U want me to install a windows in my hdd only to play valorant, and if i want to play another games i switch the boot selection to my SSD and start the other windows ?
from what I understand, you have to install windows on your internal drive
clone the external SSD EFI partition onto your HDD
boot on your SSD through your internal drive
I gonna try
all your games will still be on your SSD, but you’ll have to boot onto your internal drive first to boot on your external drive
lmk if you need any help 👍
How i gonna do that
Its like impossible i think
Bc to start windows u have to select in bios which partition u wanna start
when you have 2 disks/partitions with windows
Windows will give you the choice of which disk to boot onto
Ok and if i chose my internal drive first how i gonna boot my external driver After
when you will boot on your internal drive (HDD)
Windows will ask you on which disk would you like to boot onto
And in this moment i have to chose ssd right?
Ok i gonna try
you can follow this guide when you’ve installed windows on your HDD :
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going to sleep
i got a error
when i try to clone the system to my intern drive

this say
this drive cannot be selected as a destination
don’t clone if you’ve already installed windows on your HDD
i dont thik i have
i gonna verify
Disk C is my ssd external

Disk D is my hdd intern
Disk E, idk what is that
have you installed windows on your HDD?
in my disk D i got that

which one is your HDD? Disk 0?
Open disk management

shrink your c drive
ok wait
gotta load up the guide
oh well
close disk management
turn off your computer, unplug your external drive
turn on your computer
this gave me blue screen
bc i dont have windows in my hdd
i thought you’ve installed it
i cant clone my windows
doesn’t matter
u know how can i send the ssd windows to my hdd?
this gonna be more ez
is there anything important on your HDD?
only valo
you could move it to your SSD, then install windows on your HDD with usb

you can install it without usb
i dont have this
there’s guides on GitHub
all that for valorant
look up windows without usb GitHub on google
should be first link
follow the guide
i gonna clone using another app i found

is it good
there is the app to clone

this worked now
its free

im cloning my disk c to my disk D


lets me try now
my pc is just to slow in this moment
but np
im downloading valo in this moment
lets see
but as can i see

my hdd is my disk c now

and there is the same archives in the 2 disks
@jpplol clone disk worked
Dont dm
^ do this
I didnt
Dont worry