Not able to uninstall any games from my ally x
I press the options button and uninstall and it says uninstalling but sits there and does nothing I check the library there’s no progress or anything I tried it through the settings then storage same thing happens.
32 Replies
make sure your user owns your steam library, if you dual boot with windows and share games using winbtrfs then you configured it wrong
No windows install just bazzite installed it just doesn’t uninstall
still make sure your user owns your steam library
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER "/path/to/SteamLibrary"
type that into the terminal and type in your password when prompted (will not display anything as you type, not even *
unless you configured it to do that)
then restart steam and try again
can you change the path to your steam library?
i have no idea where it is because i do not own your machine
Yeah ok it’s the stamps right ?
its either in
or ~/.steam/steam/steamapps
depends if its the internal device library or the sdcard
if its the internal device library, yesDone what you said still not working
ok then manually uninstall the game. 1 sec
go into the game properties and go to the updates section and note down the app id for the game

It’s for every game I can’t uninstall anything
then go into the steam librarys "steamapps" folder and open the "compatdata" and delete the folder with the same id
i want to see if this will work as it would actually give you a proper error hopefully
once you have done this, now go to the "installed files" and browse them and delete that games folder
then go up 1 folder and remove the appmanifest in the
folder for the game
there the game is no uninstalled manuallySoive done the compatdata now go to steaapps and common and delete it manually ?
only the appmanifest_APPID.acf and the games "common" files in the "common" folder
Ok so I’ve deleted the company data and the common files now go to manifest file ?
and the game should be uninstalled
There are loads any in particular?
the one with the APPID you noted down
there is one for every game and tool installed through steam
Ah ok I’ve done that too
And then did you say there should be an error or something ?
if it failed yes
so essentially steam is being dumb with you if it couldnt do that :clueless:
Ok the games not installed now but the uninstall button just doesn’t work
maybe try a reboot since there is clearly no permission issues
Done that about 10 times I’m ngl
i meant after we changed the permissions
Ah ok
could also just be an internal issue with steam, you can do
ujust fix-reset-steam
it will close steam, log you out, remove all steam files (except config, saves, userdata, games, etc) and then it will launch steam which will reinstall it and ask you to log inAh yeah it probably it that’s what I was thinking just didn’t know how to reset it
I’ll try that now thanks for helping
keep in mind you need a keyboard for entering the steam login
since you cant use the on-screen keyboard without steam :clueless:
It’s all good I have the steam app on the phone 🙃
This worked for me thank you
ok so a funny steam brainfart then 🤣
that ujust command saves us so much time
Yeah you say that and now it’s stop working again 😭 at this point might aswell by the deck😭
i genuinely have no idea why steam is cranky
try run
from the terminal and see if it complains anything there (ignore the error regarding extest, it is a red herring and not relevant)