Is it possible to play with TPM 2.0 Disabled, I've always played with it disabled but almost a month ago I started gettng the VAN: RESTRINCTION error, I readed in reddit that in Win10 it's not neccesary to have TPM enabled, but im in win 10 and It's still asking, I opened a ticket in support webpage and they dont seem to understand that my hardware is not compatible with TPM, any solution?
29 Replies
I tryed all, even reinstalling Valorant + vanguard, I checked all my bios options a lot of times (but i didn't find the tpm option so it's not compatible)
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
It's in spanish

Did u get this issue just now?

like a month ago
I'm also having to deal with the same problem
Talk in ur post shush
It was fine till today noon
I tried by myself as I know a bit about this, bt I didnt manage to get it so some days later I contacted throu a ticket in the support page but they all say the same, they look like bots, I told them that my BIOS doesn't have TPM option, my computer is not compatible
Hm it doesn't support tpm 2.0 as it is a workstation cpu
Lets see
@junimo can we do something about this one?
Wait for junimo to reply
@Plaraje can you run cpuid and take a screenshot for me

does this affect too?

Also can u show ss of the error rq
How about purchasing an account with unlimited unlock
How about u shut yo ass up
pretty sure you can grub your bios to enable ptt
Is the VAN: RESTRINCTION error I can't right now as in another house, I won't be back till Monday
But is the first ones that appear in Google if you search VAN: RESTRINCTION
I searched it and there are different van RESTRINCTION
Mine is the tpm 2.0 and secure boot

I have a problem at this house with packet loss
It's always around 5-10% but sometimes around 60 or even 100% , i disabled exit lag thinking it was that bit it's still bad
I have a good connection

sorry im mean the cpuid app, I need to see the extended family and model numbers
System information software