Is snaptap software bannable in Valorant? I know hardware snap tap isn't (wooting keyboards, razer keyboards). I don't wanna risk getting banned
11 Replies
Geniux2d ago
dont use it if you dont want to take the risk every 3rd party tool is at your own risk ;bannable
VANGUARD Main2d ago
:valExclamation: Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction. Learn more below:
animaOP2d ago
including val tracker? blitz? etc
Metamorphosis2d ago
None of them are authorized by riot. So yes, they are also considered as 3rd party software ( use at your own risk)
animaOP2d ago
Incorrect It is authorized by Riot Games themselves and it is using Riot's official API. they say it will not get you banned.
Jidat2d ago
No description
Metamorphosis2d ago
“They” as in the 3rd party software company Riot never mentioned any of those to be safe to use
animaOP2d ago
But why would they then proceed to "lie" about being authorized? so they are unable to disclose bannable use of different softwares? e.g TenZ uses RawAccel, and i would think you know what it is, but it didn't ban him. it changes mouse input, so shouldn't SOCD software also not trigger the anti cheat? they both give an advantage for some.
Jidat2d ago
What if i told u that i have seen people getting banned for raw accel aswell
animaOP2d ago
I would ask you to show me proof
Jidat2d ago It is always like this If vanguard feels like something is messing with the game it will ban u

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