TPM 2.0 Error And getting kicked from the game
I keep getting a tpm error and getting kicked
25 Replies
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Your cpu does not support TPM 2.0
You should downgrade to windows 10
i cant down grade

You’ll have to reinstall windows 10
can you send me the current version
of windows 10 cus the ones i found are old\
You can look up how to install windows on yt :c_yellowthumg:
oh nvm

i restarted but it still says it
Open control panel > uninstall a program
And delete riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type
sc delete vgc
sc delete vgk
Then open riot client and click on update

No problem
Open riot client and click on update
saying it again
idk if its my pc

Yes restart
And check
Game launched now?
yea it did thanks