Agent Concept: Holyman

Signature Ability: Last Rites - Bestow a blessing upon any fallen corpse. -- ally corpse: Receive a buff, or healing and overshield. -- enemy corpse: prevents the foe from being revived. ---- can prevent clove from self reviving. ---- revivers like Sage see a red hue on affected corpses while holding their revive ability to cast Special 1: Bless - Bestow a blessing upon an ally or allies. -- probably grants stim for a duration. Special 2: Repentance - Lifeforce Ability - After killing or participating in the death of a foe, cast to gain a buff, or healing and/or overshield. -- Other Lifeforce Abilities in game: Devour, Dismiss, PickMeUp, Double Tap Ultimate: Crucify - Sacrifice Yourself for your team -- On initial cast, damages enemies in a small radius for an amount based off your health and shields. ---- Damage Radius akin to a grenade ability. ---- With nearly full health and shields, it can instakill nearby enemies. -- For the remainder of the round, your corpse hangs on a cross, emitting a debuff aura. ---- Debuff Radius akin to Lockdown or Orbital Bombardment. Probably closer to Orbital Bombardment. When cast in the center of site, normally covers the whole site. Cast from edge, covers at least half to about 2/3rds. ---- Vulnerable, Tunnel Vision and Slow, Concussed and Slow, Deafened and Slow, Decay, etc. -- Enemies cannot use Lifeforce abilities on your sacrificed corpse. ---- Devour, Dismiss, Double Tap, PickMeUp, Repentance, Last Rites. -- You cannot be revived this round. -- You cannot cast this while last man standing. -- Depending on balance, it may auto cast Last Rites on slain foes for free. Could be only on initial cast, could be those slain in the aura which includes initial cast. Or not at all.
2 Replies
Bomb3d ago
this seems extremely situational ngl
ZulkiersOP3d ago
The more difficult the agent is to play, the more skill the player has as they make wins with it. Or they bottom frag all the time so they need another way to help the team. In my case, I'm the guy who eats a bullet when trying to peak for intel, so why not let my sacrifice mean something by making a permanent debuff aura to disuade enemies and give my allies an almost free win? (Requires Ult Cast, not eat bullet) Then again its just a debuff, doesn't stop people from entering a snake pit. But till end of round instead of until slain, as are already dead. I find the concept fun. But who knows. Now I wish I could turn this into a poll. Also it's more of an aesthetic than actual functionality, a theme. Holyman.

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