Best way to find my sens?
what is the best way to find my sens?
1 I am now new to gaming
2 Plz no aimlabs
10 Replies
Pick one and use it. How big is your mouse pad?
Take a base sens then experiment by going lower and higher
you can go into the range and start with a sens you like
then practise shooting and adjust
i found that 0.176 is good but little fast and 0.175 is slow i under aim a lot in games
dpi 1600
0.178 is too fast
just start at 0.177
or you can also switch to 800 dpi and use like .36
I have a video of my gameplay
like 10 minutes
can someone watch part of it and say
on what should i focus
like, point at my biggest mistakes
i will try to when i have time
from what i can see
your raw aim isnt really the issue
you do seem kinda jittery when you take gunfights but that could also just be preference
i will just say to dial down on the spraying a bit and rely more on bursting when taking gunfights
your sens seems fine to me but you could try lowering it a bit if you want to be less jittery
Ok thank you , anything about my movement?
For now, i will work on my spraying habit.
your movement is pretty decent imo
its will come naturally to you the more you play
just try to fix the spray habit first