VAN -79
well... i had this issue i wasn't able to fix it so i have resetted my pc and now i have directly installed valorant and nothing else and still it get's the this error.
help im bout to cry fixing this
41 Replies
i installed the game
without playing i shutted it down
i opened my pc ( restart it )
and open riot cleint
it ask for a update for 5-10 sec
i do it and launch valorant
and boom van error -79
i don't have any games and im only having valorant as option
my whole vacation is almost wasted fixing this issue
please help me i beg u
Open windows settings
Search for core isolation
There enable memory integrity

Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Scroll down
Show ss

Hm lets try this
Open cmd as admin and type this command
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard" /v "EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Show result

Restart ur pc
Once restarted
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Scroll down
Show ss

Try running the game

Give it some time
what shall i do?

after time after restarting the pc i get this update and then i launch it and it show's the issue
- Open the Task Manager > Details tab
- End the task on all VALORANT, Riot Client and VANGUARD-related apps/services
- Open the Control Panel > Uninstall a Program
- Uninstall Riot VANGUARD
- Open CMD as Admin and type these commands:
- sc delete vgc
- sc delete vgk
- Navigate to your C: Drive, then Program Files
- Find the VANGUARD folder and delete it
- Open the Riot Client and click update
- Restart your computer after the update
After you’re done with that:
- Press Windows key + R
- Type services.msc
- Look for vgc
- Right-click on vgc > Properties
- Change the startup type to automatic
- Start the services (if not started already)
We will be waiting for your response, thank you.
before trying this
shall i update and launch the game?
or do this
U didn't try launching it yet?
Update and launch the game smh
alright sorry
that's what i was askin
I thought u said that u launch and it shows the error
yep still the issue
^ do that

Thats normal
U also might not find the vanguard folder
That is also normal. Just proceed with the other steps

it automanically to automatic
but not started
this is issue i get when i try to start it

do you suggest reinstalling windows because i can do it right now?
U alrdy tried reinstalling right
Open cmd as admin
Type these commands
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning off
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off
Show result for both
too late
i have reinstalled
btw it was all wrong
i had done GPT instead of MBR
and etc etc
is secure boot and VT required by vlaorant?
so ill turn it on and then reinstall
im on windos10 btw
lemme reinstall again
@Jidat HELPP
so basically
i reseted and it was working fine
up today
but at evening i closed the game
and then opened steam.
opening the steam i got some window defender threats idk why
it had like 5 threats
so i clicked on take action and it completed
then i ran my study app
and after running my study app for 2 hr i closed it
now i open valorant and it said coudn't start
so i clicked ok
and then a update came in riot
i updated it
and now i again have the error of vgc
and vgc service error 1
i have checked the defender protection history and it say's
F:\Apps Etc\Apps\Steam this is were all the virus app were quarantined