Keep getting this error every 10 minutes or so?
havent been able to get a clear answer from the valorant support team so thought id ask here

Solution:Jump to solution
Solution: Update bios and Enable Secure boot and TPM from the bios
Enable Memory Integrity from windows settings...
225 Replies
Yea this just started happening to me out of the blue too some dude is trying to help me fix it on here but we will see
yeah idk played one game then went into a custom and my game just did this xD
Did they change something in their system recently bc I’ve literally never seen this before and now I check and so many people are getting it its ridiculous
yeah i have never seen this
but apparently it happend like a year ago
if you look at the videos online they are all about a year ago
Like now I’m sitting here having to change all this shit on my pc trying to play like Jesus
Yea I was seeing that
yeah i know had to take out my CMOS battery just to get on my pc
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

thought it might just be a pc skill issue tbh
Press windows key
Type core isolation
And enable memory integrity

what in the world are these drivers
Open powershell as admin
pnputil /delete-driver oem67.inf /uninstall /force
show ss of the result

Did you run as admin

Open C: drive and search for the that driver
Type the whole thing including .sys

want me to delete it?
Do the same for
deleted one and three of them showed up

Check core isolation page first

one has gone now
Delete the first 1 from here
file explorer refreshed and only shows that one

Yup delete it

cant even with admin
Let’s try this
Open cmd as admin
pnputil /delete-driver oem67.inf /uninstall /force
show ss of the result


pnputil /delete-driver oem63.inf /uninstall /force
show ss of the result
i dont use the 4g LTE modem anymore

Just left over drivers
ah okay
Search EspoDriver.sys
In C: drive

im guessing delete but just wanted to show it
idk why
Then check core isolation page

will restart rq
Restart and enter bios
Use your phone to text here
in bios
Settings > advanced > windows OS config
Show pic

i am in setup mode btw
Click on the first option
Show ss

Enable it
Show ss

Open settings > advanced
Show ss

Alright save and exit first

just sending that cause it changed other stuffs also
Click yes
and now i got a blackscreen but my pc is on
should i pull cmos battery?
Hold the power button to turn off pc
Turn it on and spam del key
tryed that but still just a black screen
Ehh alright then cmos reset it is
do you actually have to wait the five recommended minutes
cause i pulled it and only waited like 30 seconds
It’s best to just to be sure
pulled it again but will wait abit longer
We can try updating bios
download the latest version
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i can try just got to get the screen to come back on first
although im probably going to bed soon and will sort the pc out tomorrow
is it alright if you could add me
and possibly help me abit more tomorrow
Yes we can do it tomorrow :vibinng:
thank you 🙏
will this post thing stay open till then?
Yes it will dw :c_yellowthumg:
help me

@Metamorphosis pode me ajudar?

And who asked you to run that command sir 😭
Pls make a new post
right got my pc back to normal just let me know when you down to do it
mb mb didnt see the ping till now
Did your download the latest bios version ^
If not
Download this
You’ll also need a usb
just tryna get a usb that isnt full
might be like another 5 mins
Youll have to format the usb as well^
alright will do
right its all formatted
you want me to download that and put it on the usb?
Download and extract it
Open the folder show ss

copy the 2nd file to the usb then show ss of the files in the usb

Alright enter bios now
in bios
Show pic

Click on M Flash
Bottom left


Select the bios file on the right


Eh wait
Exit bios
Format your usb again Fat32
Instead of extracting, just double click the zip folder
And copy paste the bios file
And try again rq
@AbhimสŇyu :pepesidestare:
Wrong bios perhaps

@Metamorphosis that okay?
If it doesn’t work we can try older version
2 seconds i just somehow done something to the usb
What did you do ☠️

dont even know tried formatting it to FAT32
and then it showed up like this
Remove and insert again
Usb corrupted
Make him use partition bruh @Metamorphosis
still just the same thing
I am having a lil bit of fun over here...

Press windows key + x
Open disk management
Show ss
@smashfsaf ^
just wiped a different usb
and formatted it to FAT32
thats why it took so long
that other one i definitley think its corrupted
We fixed this

should i still just try this
It’s fixable
If you already got another usb
Then sure, let’s try with it

copyed straight from the zip
should i go bios
go mflash and try that again

selecting it rq
Yup select the bios file
And then boom

looks like its doing its thing
was really a boom just clikced select and it instantly went
Light work
alright pc restarted
should i go back to bios?
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Alright good
Wait a lil bit
will do
Ok now
Enter bios
We gotta do a lil exploration in the bios
okay im in bios
Settings > advanced > os config
Show pic

im guessing that saying csm is goated
and showing secure boot
Change CSM to UEFI
Then save and exit
Booted into windows?
Now restart and enter bios again
should i check msifno
Settings > advanced > OS Config > secure boot
Show pic
just got a black screen at the moment
In bios?
not even
just pc is on but no display
Hold down power key and shut it down
And turn it on again
No need to enter bios
alright just tryong that mow
my spelling on my phone is terrible
No worries 😭🙏🏻
Let me know once it boots into windows
alright its in windows
More like fucked up bios😭
Updating the bios fixed the csm issue
But not the black screen
Try entering bios again, might be the same but let’s see
If it’s still the same, I think you know what you’ll have to do here ☠️🙏🏻
yeah still the same
im guessing pull the cmos?
Let’s try another method this time
Let me know when you’re done with the cmos reset
okay this might sound abit strange
but i got a black screen again
in bios?
plugged my keyboard and mouse back in then the blackscreen went away
no not in bios
Prob just display off
Ok let’s enter bios now
alright will try restart
still just a blackscreen
dont even get a chance to get to bios
doing another cmos reset to see if it will turn back on
Wait out a whole 15
Just for pure luck
will do
pure luck 💀
feels like i need it
okay i got it to reset and go into bios
Now final try
Let’s not mess this up
hopefully not 🤞🏻
Are you in bios now?
yes im in bios
Settings > advanced > OS config
Show pic

Change to UEFI
open secure boot

and its on UEFI
Change secure boot mode to custom
Click on “Enroll all Factory Default Keys”
Click “YES” for “Install factory default”
And “NO” for “Reset without saving”
okay done that
Open key management
Show pic

Now settings > advanced > windows OS
Show pic

Save and exit now
back to just a black screen
Didn’t boot to windows?
just came up no display
just took longer than usual
like way longer
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
discord is taking forever to load now on pc
Take pic with your phone

Uh huh
Try the game now

also uhm
yeah and nothing loads now

maybe i just leave it for awhile to catch up?
dont know how its set my pc time to 97 years in the future
1) Go to Settings for the Windows computer.
2) Click Time and language > Language and region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale.
3) In the Region Settings dialog, make sure that the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support checkbox is selected. Click OK to save any changes.
4) Click Apply.
Next up, go to:
Start > Settings > Time & language > Date & time.
There click on sync now.
okay well it had to restart for the checkbox thing
hope it boots back up
booted back up fine
yay stuff is actually loading noww
going to try valorant now
Cuz u reset CMOS
I think it worked
i think so too
since i havent got the error like last time
thank you both
very much appreciated
Just to be sure
Press windows key + r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
If it’s off and you get error in the future ☠️

Enjoy your game now :AA_Uraraka_ThumbsUp:
thank you dude
You’re welcome
do i close this or?
Solution: Update bios and Enable Secure boot and TPM from the bios
Enable Memory Integrity from windows settings