27 Replies
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
And show ss

Restart your pc and spam F2 key to enter bios
And use your phone to text here
Ok I’m in my bios
Show pic

Open boot tab
Then open CSM
Show pic

Now open Advanced tab
Show pic

Open PCH-FW Configuration

Change TPM device selection to Firmware TPM
Ok done
Show pic

Exit tab
And save and exit
Press windows key + r
Type tpm.msc
And show ss

Try the game now
uh I pressed play and im just stuck on the loading screen now
I'm just stuck on this

Open task manager > performance
Show ss

this came up

Your Firewall VS. VALORANT
If you've encountered Error Code 29, chances are something has gone awry in the interplay between VALORANT and Windows Firewall. This can be further complicated if you're running antivirus software...
Follow these steps^
Thank you so much!
It works thank you for your time in helping me