Is it possible to copy filters between chests?

I'd like to have grid of chest, where each column has the same filters, how do i achieve this?
10 Replies
Kwantux4d ago
As of now, filters can't be copied, but this is indeed planned
Neko Waffle
Neko WaffleOP3d ago
you got any neat tips and tricks to deal with this for now? oh, also thanks for the very quick response c:
Kwantux3d ago
If your server updates to v3.0.9 (which came out 4h ago), you can just shift + right click a sorting container with no offhand item and all items inside it are added as fiters doubt that'll be faster though
Neko Waffle
Neko WaffleOP3d ago
it also makes me happy to hear that it's actively maintained too, although you're right, it's not that much faster how about hoppers?
Kwantux3d ago
Hoppers can be input, sorting and misc containers too Input hoppers being probably the only useful application since items picked up by them directly go into the storage system instead of requiring you to connect an additional input chest Or did I misinterpret the question
Neko Waffle
Neko WaffleOP3d ago
if i connect a hopper to a sorting container, will it pull the blocks from it?
Kwantux3d ago
Sure, a sorting container behaves just like any other container. Just that it has the additional way to receive items over the network.
Neko Waffle
Neko WaffleOP3d ago
this makes things much nicer, also allows minecraft bedrock users to access the plugin easier
Kwantux3d ago
Ye, that's also part of why it was implemented
Neko Waffle
Neko WaffleOP3d ago
thanks alot, i look forward to the future development of this project c:

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