domain nameserver change
I bought a domain from cloudflare but I can't change the nameserver. I want to enter a different cloudflare nameserver but I can't figure out how to do it. Can you help me? @Vero
17 Replies
Please do not ping community members for non-moderation reasons. Doing so will not solve your issue faster and will make people less likely to want to help you.
Also, you can't change nameservers for a domain registered via Cloudflare.
haha this is ridiculous
This is a really weird situation. Look at the absurdity. We buy a domain name and we are forced to use Cloudflare.
How can I initiate a return process?
That's exactly why Cloudflare sells domains for cheap.
How do I return it?
Domains are non refundable. You can try to create a billing ticket, but it's unlikely to help.
Well, can't I transfer the domain? I checked and it says wait 60 days. What is this war period?
If I go to war with another country in 60 days, I will win in that long.
Correct, you have to wait 60 days before transferring a newly registered domain.
Can't we speed up this process?
You can create a registrar ticket and ask Cloudflare support. But again, your chances are about 0% of that happening.
The "60-day lock" is an ICANN policy, Cloudflare can not lift this limit.
^ this, it's not Cloudflare trying to hold onto your money somehow but an actual requirement from the governing body (ICANN)
It's not mandated by ICANN, but exceptions are very uncommon.
Your registrar may deny a transfer request if the domain name is within 60 days of initial registration.
(emphasis on may)
Oh interesting, I assumed it was mandated. Good to know.
that's actually mentioned in the final process before the payment and it's like double or triple times warning that you can't refund your money or transfer your domain or change ns records... I don't know how you missed it
and after any transfer. it's to discourage fraud and abuse, although only ICANN tlds do it