mfad4d ago

How to dress well as an italian

I'm looking to finally start to improve my wardrobe, but when I tried looking for advice I noticed most of the advice is america-centric and a search for an Italian guide didn't find much. Could you guys point me to any resource on the matter? Or alternatively give me advice that works well no matter the country
32 Replies
Mosh4d ago
Could you just specify what you mean by dressing well as an italian? Are you looking for stores in italy, european centric styles or something different?
heirdOP4d ago
Italian/european styles
Dogma4d ago
non cambia nulla che tu sia italiano, americano o whatever. Now switching to English, improving your wardrobe is about finding your own style and that has nothing to do with countries
Mosh4d ago
where are you located?
Meaty,4d ago
Italy, Mosh it's the whole thing
Mosh4d ago
You can definitely explore those styles but i just want to understand what you want to get out of this that place is real?
Dogma4d ago
not isreal, italy
heirdOP4d ago
I just want to have a starting point so that I can dress decently, but I asked the question because I'm worried some clothes may work in America but be out of fashion in Italy (I wouldn't know, I basically paid 0 attention to clothes until now)
Mosh4d ago
could i just know generally where youre located? I have a few stores in mind but i just need to know where id send you off to try some stuff on yknow are you in italy itself?
Northern Italy, perhaps?
Mosh4d ago
also nothing is really "out of fashion", i feel its a very dated mentality to have
heirdOP4d ago
Dogma4d ago
how much do you want to spend on individual items?
Mosh4d ago
a lot to do with dressing decently has to do with finding stuff you're comfortable with, not just following trends (though they can be good directions)
Meaty,4d ago
is your goal to look like the people around you, or to like, dress in a way that makes u feel good about urself and enjoy 1 is easier than the other depending
Dogma4d ago
but anyway,https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/building-a-basic-wardrobe-v70 is not that outdated. Otherwise I can recommend looking for inspo for example in #waywt , collect inspo on a board and try to find common themes that you seem to enjoy
Building A Basic Wardrobe v7.0
Version 7 of the classic MFA post
Dogma4d ago
and start from there there are more guides in #fashion-guides
Mosh4d ago
Dogma has great advice but im glad you're in italy because one of my favorite online stores, with one of my favorite stocklists is located in milan!
Mosh4d ago
Slam Jam
Slam Jam® - Clothing and Attitude for the Global Underground
Slam jam promotes clothing and goods that represent urban subcultural attitudes by creating environments, products and experiences that bring together the community. As a retail concept, it counts several namesake spaces across different platforms and geographies.
Mosh4d ago
They have quite the variety of brands and styles, and their sales tend to be quite steep esp late season
heirdOP4d ago
I don't really need to buy a complete wardrobe in one go so I'd say up to 300 for a single item if I want to slowly build it up
Mosh4d ago
if you can post some possible inspo you have of how youd like to dress we can steer you teh right way
Dogma4d ago
I asked for budget exactly to see if stores like Slamjam or Antonioli were good recs :xd:
heirdOP4d ago
Don't really have any right now, is there a site where I can look up various styles?
Dogma4d ago
again on #waywt you can find a lot of different styles and see if something appeals to you, otherwise dunno, maybe pinterest
NotDisliked4d ago
it's less immediate but I'll always recommend looking at the outfits of people around you, it might especially be helpful if your goal is to emulate the style of your area. I've picked up a fair amount of inspo just by noticing what people around me are wearing.
gv4d ago
If you are in the north, check out milan's stores like 10corsocomo, slamjam, one block down, maybe visit the prada and gucci outlet if you have a car. it can be worth it if you are in the south, specifically near napoli, there is a vintage market which is the main source of 90% of designer vintage in Europe, meaning that you will be able to find really nice stuff for really cheap. now don't immediately buy a bunch of designer clothing, but take pictures, try stuff on and see what works for you
zeometer4d ago
i think broadly malti's and ethan's posts in #waywt (search in:waywt from:malti00 or in:waywt from:sioku) and whatever is left of r/mfa may be a good starting point but fashion is still diverse even in northern italy (save for tailoring)
gv4d ago
you can always come back here and ask what model a certain prada jacket is etc
Dogma4d ago
ayo which store are you talking about? since I'm there a few times per year
gv4d ago
Resina is most famous but napoli has a lot of vintage markets its known for it, definitely worth checking out
Dogma4d ago
aha, damn if I knew that before, I went to Naples in January and I dont go often because I hate that city but I ll keep that in mind for next time thanks 🙏

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