API how to
I have 2 question about apis:
- Time to time I found free apis but I could not figure out how could I get the api link and how could I use it on the correct way.
Example this: https://graphql.org/swapi-graphql
I have no idea how can I get the link.
- I created this https://codepen.io/lanszelot/pen/dyBozrK
But it is extremly slow. It need more than a minute to load the page.
Someone give me this: https://codepen.io/lanszelot/pen/VwJLxez
And this is fast, need only a sec and loaded.
But who give it, did not explain what I did wrong, and why mine is slow, and his not.
I try to found why, but cannot found.
Both was the same results.
What did I do wrong? Why it is slow? And why the other is fast?
(sorry the api site gone, and I do not know where)
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