Stutter when shoot or see enemy
when I see enemy and shoot my fps will go around 2-5fps for the first bullet , how do I fix this?
Tuf A15
rtx 3050
ryzen 7353Hs
28 Replies
what fps do u get
if i use monitor ill get 100fps and laptop 144+
What's your fan speed
And what are your temps
My ceiling fan speed is at 3 mostly
Not ur ceiling fan
Shove it up
65-70 cpu 57-65 gpu
Does it only drop fps or does it freeze for a couple seconds
maybe freeze im not sure
Do a quick recording of it with your phone
smtg like this
happen often in match
Is this happening more since the new update?
It’s not really freezing cause the gun/agent moving :susdge:
even before update
sometime it make my game stay around 30-40fps and i need to restart valo
does it be like that even when rendering the map?
have u overclocked monitor or anything?
contact riot support if it stays like that
Ur cpu or gpu is being bottlenecked
how do we fix bottlenecked
Buying the hardware which is powerful enough
Like buying a powerful cpu for a powerful gpu
i dont know how to overclock anything
wait laptop can bottlenecked?
Well configuration also matters yk
is my prob fixable
is there smtg i can do to not bottleneck
By doing some settings in game
Also what's your external monitor resolution
Srry jwu 1920 x 1080p 100hz
i submit ticket earlier they sad my amd driver outdated