259 Replies
i turned on secure boot but my pc wont go to the log in screen when you first boot up
it just stays black when i turn on the setting
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
Show ss rq

help pls
Alright good, enter bios now
Use your phone to text here
I’m here

Settings > advanced
Show pic

Windows OS config

Open secure boot

Enable secure boot
Open key management

Enroll all keys
Yes for install
No for reset without saving
Where’s reset without saving?
If you only get 1 pop up then it’s fine
Yea only got 1
Now “x” top right
And save and exit

Dis bad r gud
Press ok
Will take you back to bios
K we back
Open settings
Show pic

Open boot

Wait I’ll be back
Disable secure boot for now
And exit
Just ping me when u back
I’m here
Should I go back to bios
Open settings > boot again
I’m here

Click on boot option 1 show ss

Pick the first option
Show pic again rq

Now settings > advanced > windows os config > secure boot

Enable secure boot
And save and exit
I got the same message

Given that boot priority was usb first,
Your windows is not installed on a usb right?
U know why it’s doing this?
Do you have any other os installed as well by any chance?
How would I see that
No did you install Linux or anything?
I don’t even know what that is
Alright Nvm
Disable and exit for it
@Jidat :AG_SubaThink:
What time zone is jidat @Metamorphosis ?
Update da bios
How do I do that sir
Is that the problem?
It should fix it
U will need a usb tho
ok i gotta buy one
Yea update bios
Look for your motherboards name and bios version
Get latest one and download then put it on the usb
After that it's just watch a tutorial on how to flash your bios
Got u
I tried updating my bios and im having trouble
I extracted the file the went to my m flash and clicked the update and it wouldn’t work
Show ss of the file in your usb rq

Format the usb
^ download that
Don’t extract the whole folder to the usb
how do i format it

Right click > format
Did you format or just delete the previous files
i deleted then formated
now im putting the files back in

looks like this rn
You can delete the first txt file
Alright now go to bios

M flash

Click on refresh
Does it show anything
Exit bios
Right click on the usb and format and make sure it’s fat32 format
Its fat32
It was already on fat 32
Now double click on the zip file
Select the bios file
Copy it
And paste it in the usb
And don’t enter bios yet
The 2L0 right?
And what do I do with the file already in there
Show ss of the files in the usb rq

Now is your usb plugged in the front port

Is it connected in the flash bios port ^
If not, then we can try connecting it to that
ok should be in the right one now
Alright let’s try now
Go to bios
M flash
Although the port should hardly matter
Still not there

When I went into the file and copied the internal stuff it popped up but it just did nothing when I clicked it
What popped up
The bios file?
Uh yea it said like the numbers and letters the 7 etc
But when I clicked it it didn’t do anything
I can call and stream off my phone
If that would be better
Double clicking does nothing either?
Click on the bios file
And show pic

I just always does this
There’s no file
This is what it looks like when I click it
It only lets me click once

Looks like this if I click again
Click on FS0 on the left
Nothing happens
Let’s try older bios version
Exit bios
So delete all the other ones

Format usb
Don’t just delete
Then open the v2K folder
And copy the bios file

this one
Open that folder as well

2nd file

Enter bios now
Prob a dumb thought but we’ll check that if this doesn’t work

Still nothing man
Exit bios
Why did they have to implement stupid secure boot
Show the file on your usb rq
Let’s try this , if it doesn’t work
Then idk
Format your usb again
And copy paste the v2L file
We’ll try with the latest version

Delete text file
Now select the bios file
Press F2 on keyboard
It should pop up the rename option
Delete “AMS” and type “AZ1”
Hit enter
Show ss of the file

Good enter bios now
m flash?
if not then..
it’s there

I knew something was off about it
Click on it


Brought me back here
Click again

Click yes

Did this show up last time as well
Press ok
I’m back at the same screen

Exit bios
@Zai is your pc prebuilt
What’s the model
Also I’m out bios
Where would I see that

Your mobo is wifi6 but can’t find anything in the support page
Just for wifi
Anyways I gtg now
We’ll see later
Tomorrow u mean?
Also @Jidat need you help on this :hehe:
In a couple hours
Idk if imma be awake but just ping the chat
But I don’t know what else to be done, gotta wait for jidat’s response :ChillBar_pray:
Let’s try another method
Open Microsoft store
And download “MSI Center”
I’m at work
I can do it when I get off at 5
@zai your mb has a custom bios file thats why u can update normally
How do I change it
i checked the whole post so your problem is secureboot right?
can u send a pic from the actual secure boot settings?
bios update thing will be risky
if u want go that way
I can at 5:30
I’m at work still
what is your time right now?
EST 3:28
im home
i want to know your current secureboot settings
I can show u

show me the key management too

go for delete all secureboot keys
and confirm it
and show me
Secure boot variables?
yeah delete them

now enable secureboot, save and enter bios again and show pic

Says this
press ok
its normal
Secure boot did not enable
After I pressed yes
show the pic from keys

now go for enroll all factory keys
and show pic

idk why the last 2 dont have keys
probably thats the problem
press ok for it
I did
disable provision factory keys
save it

Save and leave?
dont leave
just save it
It only saves after I leave
ok save and reenter the bios than
We back in
and now show secure boot screen

now enable secure boot
I got no pop this time
try to boot windows

Got this pop up again
go to bios again
show me the boot options

show advanced boot options

windows os config probably there what i want to know

theres no option to permanently turn off csm
so go secure boot again
and change the custom option to setup mode

I got standard or custom
than put on standard and try to boot
if not working
theres is a problem with the bios or something on your windows

Same one
u have non verified driver on windows thats why secure boot not working
i check the message
its a driver issue
That just happend when I completely reset my whole pc
It still wasn’t working before that
im out of advice from here
the bios update can help but its risky
becuase u have a modified bios right now
simply turn off secure boot right now
1 more question
do u have a prebuilt pc?
i found 1 bios update for your board but its from 2021 and no more newer releases
and 1 more tool that can update the retail bios to your prebuilt
What is it
wsg chat
@Aizen tell me when ur done
i need the bios version u have
i can send u
before i need to see how your pc case looks like
to be sure im sending u the right one

Ok after I download then what
try to update like before

It’s saying this
press ok
I did
Then it did nothing
what if u try again?
same message?
idk what to do at this point with your pc
I’m ngl if nothing really works
All you can do is let riot support know you are unable to enable secure boot
Tho I’m not sure if they remove the restriction, but you can try
they will not becuse he using windows 11
i havw 1 more method but its risky
it can brick the mb
if not working
What does that even mean
u cant use it anymore
Well do u for sure know how to do it
Idk what wrong with my pc
I wish I could revert back to windows 10
I dont think going back to 10 would help
That’s where my problems started
When I switched
Like a dumbass
its ggs