Falsely banned after not even getting many kills every game
Me and my friend have been playing valorant for quite some time and have not done anything that would ever raise suspision in any way shape or form whether its in ranked or just some qm or anytthing and just today we were playing when all of a sudden she gets banned and based off of her valorant account which she hasnt shared with people ever its just been banned and no offense to her but she doesnt get many kills a game at all and this can be seen on her tracker and everything, just need anyt help we can get due to the amount of money spent on the account and she has been holding this account for years on end. Thanks to anyone who comments
310 Replies
i just had the same exact issue
just a load of bs man
like i get about 14-20 kills
in swift
ive also spent a good amount on skins so
yeah exactly
ive heard some people not getting their accounts back aswell
just not really fair
submit a ticket to riot is all u can do at least theres more people with the same issue so hopefully it gets resolved
tf you mean not many kills with 14-20 in swift
shes done nothing wrong not even said a bad word in voice chat or text chat
that posts not for me
i get the kills
but ive got clips of my kills
and im not cheating
never cheated in my life
vanguard can ban for anything pretty much, not just straight up valorant cheats
so what she got banned
you can get banned for raw accel, roblox cheats or just some random file that vanguard doesnt like on your pc
for a laugh?
:valExclamation: Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction.
Learn more below:
you will never know
she hasnt got anything like that
i got banned for "using third party applications" that ive never used in my life
yeah thats what she got banned for
and she gets next to no kills in games
literally sometimes gets literally 0
in a full match
our last ranked match
she got 2
i got 34
and she gets banned?
i know it sounds like im cheating but man
we have submitted a ticket
if u are and she was in a party with u she can get banned
vanguard doesnt ban for being good or bad at the game
never cheated in my life
in any game at all
ive actually never cheated in any game and they banned me for it so idk whats going on
well shes been banned for nothing
then she will be unbanned
ive seen loads of people getting banned for nothing recently
if it was a false ban, yes
chances are low though
ik theres quite alot of posts saying ive been banned for supposedly cheating
literally stat track her
you can get banned for raw accel, roblox cheats or just some random file that vanguard doesnt like on your pc
well thats just dumb af
you dont have to cheat on valorant to get banned for 3rd party apps
welcome to kernel level anticheat
she doesnt use any of them thouhg
i dont think shes even got roblox installed XD
Riot ids?
would you like mine also?
Mines YUS#YUH I have the same problem
Does this mean its getting sorted out today/tonite?

same bs to me
does your friend still have vanguard installed? if so can you ask them to send me the vanguard logs
how do you get to them?
C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs
2 seconds
just for today?
all of them
what do i send them over like on?
just copy and paste?
can you zip up the folder and upload it here?
thats all of them
My friend had the same problem, he got banned for 3rd party software while he wasn't cheating or anything else
And i saw that many people has the same issue
I'm escalating this, hang tight
thank you so much this means alot you dont even understand
what's their riot id?
is the yuki thing resolved?
should be unbanned shortly
sweet thank you so much
thanks for reporting it
you are welcome
we wont get to know what caused the ban, even if its a false one, will we?
should be unbanned shortly
i just dmed u if u could take a look that would be appreciated
sent u the vanguard log as well
yeah unfortunately I can't share that information, best I can do is keep an eye on the tickets here and help investigate and escalate
Thank you so much
Thank you for your hard work on a friday night
@Senor El Estefanio yours should be unbanned shortly as well
thank you so much
do you mind if we ping you once a "false ban" ticket is opened?
sorry about that guys
well if you see a wave of them and it's definitely abnormal yes please
-# @Metamorphosis
many times they are actual cheaters trying to save an account, so I probably can't investigate all of them

i am so lost atp
my friend sent me his tag so i could try to get it unbanned as well
gg ig lmao
Is this your friend’s ?
i just tried logging into an old alt from 2021
im hardware banned now too
I havent played in a week and my acc also got banned recently dont know what the issue is
When did you get banned
sometime this morning when i tried logging in
idk why my ban got upgraded to a hardware ban for logging onto an alt
Did you get hwid ban
Or just account locked
My acc got locked til september 3rd
damn bruh
would this go away as soon as the ban is reverted junimo?
is this an issue with riot or is it something I did?
It’ll be reverted too
I’ll send an update when it’s all reverted
from what i can see online theres an issue with vanguard detecting something that isn't cheats, when i logged onto a second alt accnt it detected it again from same IP so hardware banned, for some other ppl if u only have the one accnt then youll js have a perma ban
i am curious as to what is causing it to think people have cheats downloaded
ik u cant tell us but just curious
What’s your riot id?
I’m not too sure on that honestly, it’s above my pay grade
@junimo please help me too
It happened to me aswell
All my skins and friends are linked to that account
I was just playing the match
Drop your riot id
You can ask any of my teammates that I regularly play with them
My I'd is
No Crosshair#RIYAL
It's a hardware ban
Pls unban
so it's true that a dev can reply ticket
Give em time to review it. they’ll get back to you
Thank you
so if i have enough proofs bout i didnt use third party software then i can unban my account?
Not necessarily, this current ban wave seems to be a false positive.
should be unbanned shortly
Thank you so much 😭🙏
ig so
So how is it that you help people with suspended account :val_Uhh:
It’s says in your status
me and my friend account got banned while we played at a cyber xD
i can only help them with the ticket
but i cant even save myself lol
i dont even know why
i can help other guys
have to be more and more while playing at a cyber
i'm quite hopeless with my account but ig i can help other somehow
My id is YUS#YUH someone told me to drop my ID here
this one I can't help with, you'd have to go through player support
if it a cyber device that can be reset everytime they turn it of is there anyway to access these logs?
im not sure
what's your riot id
can you check on my id also?
UBT MikeeNekk#2407
I can't help with this one, sorry
sorry for taking your time
ig i will try one more time with the email things
Alright I already sent a ticket just waiting for a reply
did you play at a pc bang or an untrusted machine?
what is a pc bang?
cyber cafe?
it's an internet café
i hang out with my friend
can i check if someone have access on my account or not?
I don't have access to that, but if you are not on a trusted machine there's always the risk of malware etc running on it and causing a detection
so it was a legal banned right?
im not sure
it's above my pay grade, if player support can't unban you I probably can't help either
ig so
anw can you help me check on my friend's id?
Banning me permanently from valorant is like preventing a chainsmoker from smoking (I'm an addict).
I can't help with this one either
What about mine
No Crosshair#RIYAL
I already said it'll be unbanned soon
Oh right
Thanks again
how about this one
Whose accounts are these ☠️
i hope i remember it right
wdym ;-;
somehow most of my friends are all got banned =))
Stupid ahh people download bunch of hacks on cafe pc to avoid hwid on their own devices. It’s mostly cod cheats I think
I wouldn't go to a cafe to play online games honestly, you never know what someone did with the machine
i always reset device before play on it
but ig some1 did dirty things on that one so yeah
hard to say
some cheats you can't even unload by restarting a machine
cant turn on hcvi and secure boot in an internet cafe ;-;
You’ll have to ask the owners/managers to enable it
i did ask
but they refused all
70% players in country play at internet cafe
i'm at internet cafe rn lol
What country are you from
Playing Val?
i'm playing tft rn

cuz of this
Never heard of that game
it's in LoL
like a mode
and become a mobile game
@junimo did you check my account to see if its supposed to be banned
be patient bro
I don't know what's wrong with yours, you'd have to go through player support
can you help me check on my friend's id?
last one fr
can't help with this one either
ig we all cooked
junimo a goat wtf
dont be like this guy ://
Jumimo on overtime.
i didnt know that a dev can be this enthusiasm fr
If I don’t get unbanned what can I do abt all the money I spent on skins on my account?
Say goodbye to all of them
bro wanted to save prolly hundreds to maybe over 1000 dollars worth on his accnt...
oh no...
Me too
But it's so fkin hopeless so nahh
help with mine, i was banned in feburary, was so done with this game, and i didnt know it was hwid ban, so I accidentally banned my friend's acc too
I didn't even play a single game on my friend's acc
and this
who deleted it
there is one more, but the id is in chinese, and i cant sent it, it gets auto deleted
can i sent u the vangaurd logs
can you check for me
@Kael send an image of your riot id

i send on dms
but 111#0826 is initially banned
and it gave a hardware ban
and i logged on this account and that account was banned
I didnt even know it was hardware ban
didn't play on a single game here
i send u the logs in the dms too
I'm escalating for you two
ok, pleaseee thank you!!!
should be unbanned now can you check
which acc
im hardware banned
im scared it gets banned again
shouldn't be, just check for me please
np, sorry about the inconvenience
thank you so muchhhh
can i also be helped with my false ban too?

i also got device banned
and ive alrd waited for my ticket to be responded but it didnt get responded for the entire night
me too!!:val_KekwSob:

vanguard be tweaking
i also have the same problem

I don't understand why my account was temporarily suspended
@junimo can you check for me please
yea for me too please
post your riot ids
hey so i tried logging into my other account and got this. is there any way to see whats causing this error? this is the same reason my other acocunt got banned.

just post your id
you got this too right
no its just an error
wont let me play
this happened to me too smilest#smile
very confused
you should be unbanned
you should be unbanned too
yoo alr thank you

I can't help with this one, you might have to ask player support
should i try redownloading my game?
what do i do then
submit a ticket
why is it diffrent
is there a way to see if theres something on my computer that gives me that error because ive never downloaded cheats or anything so im not sure why im getting this error in the first place
thank you so much
I can't help with your case, you gotta ask player support
bro it said i was botting
alright no problem ill try redownloading everything
@junimo wait can you also unbanned my other account
it got locked after i tried logging in w this alt
you sure you spelled it right?
can't find it
wait lemme check

i think someone over at riot vanguard gonna get fired
G DraGon #GD26
@junimo ty!

you need to contact player suport for this one
i did miss spelled it lmfao
oh yeah I see it, ok I'll take care of it
alr very much appreciated
it's friday so might not be today though
its ok lmfao
think theres a way to see what might be causing this issue? maybe if i can uninstal something thats causing it
I don't have access to that, sorry
you'd have to ask player support, they have more info
alright thank you
so its a hardware id ban what does that mean?
sorry if im being buggy ive just never had anything like this happen before
just got banned on my main account after trying to just redownload. i have a bunch of skins on this account and time so. any help?

MiceBep#FatAF can you help me check this id pls @junimo

It's not 152
Logs in C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs
@junimo Would you be so kind and look into my suspension

False banned T-T
User id:

chat am i gonna get banned too
from what im seeing is that "account locked" can get reverted quite easily and others would have to seek player support?
do you know how I can reach out to player support
Valorant Support
can they be contacted here as well or you mean like the ticket system
The ticket system
yeah go to riot games website, make sure ur there for valorant, then there will be a button for support and then submit a ticket
ah yes i have a ticket made atm for this exact suspension, I am mostly trying to see which match was detected so I can provide the vod if needs to be
same hopefully we get unbanned. ive spent some money on skins and ive been playing for a while
Im sure if you didn't cheat u will be lifted in no time
it is the weekend afterall we prob have to wait
;valsupport r
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
definetly didnt cheat. it doesnt even matter what account im on itll get banned. i think something happened after the update and vanguard detects something as a third party application that it doesnt like.
it's different for me... my other accounts i played on the same device aren't banned but this exact one
ive been banned on 3 accounts lmao. first 2 ive spent money on
Are you able to play on different accounts
im starting to suspect that someone was cheating on my account
but also hoping that it was a false ban
It’s hwid, any account you login in with will be banned
I was able to log in on my alt account and play w no problem
idk maybe if there was a cheater in ur game they did something cuz i had one in my game on the opposite team a few days ago
So possibly the account got banned on a different device
could you elaborate on this im not too sure what this could signify
different drive?
Device** mb
maybe. maybe i can play on xbox lmao
does valorant allow account sharing?
uh oh
Is that all you say bruh
i see
i believe that we all have differeing detection times as well, e.g i saw someone get banned mid game while I was banned shortly (a day or so) after my most recent eligible matches
idk if this entails anything
i was banned mid game
now any account i log onto gets banned
ok then for that reason alone I may be cooked
who knows junimo might save me
Where's our coolest dev
Still need your help
Wait till weekdays
@junimo sorry for the extra ping but I js wanted to bump the forum incase you couldn't find it
it's done
I can't help with this one, sorry
same happened to me on saturday, got banned midgame while already dead and 7-10 down only valtracker and medal running in the background I spend nearly 1k I need help ASAP pls support ticket got closed with no response, riot id I cant post here cause of non english characters

u might want to screen shot ur riot id as well

if yall need any more data/info pls just @ me Ill try to do whatever u want, I just wanna get my acc back
pls need someone to look into this asap pls
im pretty sure u will be unbanned either later today or sometimes tmr
I hope so
What determines if you can help with it and you can't? I understand that you might not be able to disclose that information, but I'm just asking in case you can.
i get 1-2
@junimo could u pls take a look
bro this doenst make any sense I literally only have valtracker medal steam wallpaper engine fn and ets2 installed

Val tracker is not authorized by riot and using that also comes under 3rd party software
I played my entire time with tracker and suddenly after 500h only on my main they decide me to ban me for that?
There’s no certainty to what got you banned.
it's ok js buy a new pc with nothing but valorant installed and play 👍
I can play val, Im not hwid banned I guess, still changed my hwid and mac adresses and I can play on my second acc but that still wont bring me back my 1k I spend in the last couple of month worth of skins
And I literally get banned for I would say nothing, cause I did nothing wrong I would say
yo what do i do if my accounts just been straight up hacked
like my whole account has been taken over by some random russian geezer
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
if that doesnt work
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
ive put in a ticket and everything
but wow
this kind of thing has never happened before
im so careful with all of my things
so first we get banned for nothing
now out of absolutely nowhere i get my account robbed
i got the ssame issue but its not my main account i bought it
did you have MFA/2FA on your account? is it possible your account was compromised?
im not sure tbh, you'd have to contact player support. account security is the player's responsibility
oh dear
that just means i aint ever seeing that account again
wym with compromised? I had 2fa activated for a very long time then deactivated it cause I lost access to my mail acc for a couple of days and didnt turned it on again tbh
If it was compromised is the account gone for ever or what should I do?
I wrote you a dm with my riot id maybe you could check it, would really appreciate it ty
compromised as in like, hacked or stolen by someone else. if that happens you'd have to ask player support for help
raw accel is not cheating my man ahahaha
as far as I know not no, never recognized any suspicious activity on it
I mean it also keeps saying that I got banned for 3rd party programs/scripts which doenst make any sense
Then the most likely case is someone stole your account to cheat, if you reuse passwords for multiple services, chances are there might have been a data breach that caused your password to leak
yet you can potentially get banned for it
so I wont get the account back because someone cheated on it right
You could try recover it
I can't help with account security issues, you'd have to ask player support
I strongly encourage everyone to set up 2FA- these days if you don't setup 2FA for an important account it's like leaving a car unlocked for someone else to take, data breaches happen often so you never know when you might get pwned
Junimo might be a hof developer
Hello, I was looking over this. I just got banned for the exact same issue. I can provide my riot logs.
I created a ticket a while ago and still banned.
I was banned and it is ot my fault. Adams#YTUBE please help me out. Cause I didn't even play the game and got suspendes
@junimo riot id Grim Br #7070
I've been having the same ban problem for about 2 days now
@junimo riot id lostlove #break
i get ban for no reason i didn’t use hack and play my account for the pass few days and when i login i get banned
I think @junimo is offline
I'll wait again until tomorrow and see if my ticket is updated. Otherwise I'll just delete the game and cry
Y’all don’t need to ping them constantly.